All persons interested in trying to cut through the fog that surrounds the Christian message in the modern world need to undertake a thoughtful examination of Calvanism — the movement (includes various denominations) based on the teachings (‘exegesis’) of John Calvin, one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation.

To keep it short and simple I have selected three videos that do a good job of explaining the fundamental errors of Calvanism:

* Why I am not a Calvanist (Robert Breaker)
* Why I’m not a Calvanist (Seven Minute Seminary)
* Calvanism Obliterated (Christian Truth)

While there are many more exhaustive (and exhausting) examinations of Calvanist doctrines, these three short videos provide more than enough proof that Calvin was misguided, and his teachings unsound.



Why I am not a Calvinist!
By Robert Breaker
YouTube Video URL:

Comments by Charles Sulka

This Bible Study video, by Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker, shows why he personally is not a Calvinist. He also shows what Calvinism is, what it teaches, and where it comes from, while showing from the Bible that Calvin’s ideas do not agree with sound Bible doctrine.

Robert Breaker explains why Calvanism is fundamentally wrong. Breaker’s analysis is based solely on analysis based on the King James Version of the Holy Bible. This is very good. If you watch this video and, being a Calvanist yourself, you do not renounce Calvanism … then presumably you were predestined to live in ignorance, unable to comprehend even the most basic tenets of the Christian faith.

(chs 09-25-2017 13:42 -0500)



Why I’m not a Calvinist: Seven Minute Seminary
By Ben Witherington III
YouTube Video URL:

Comments by Charles Sulka

Ben Witherington III here shares his reason why he’s not a Calvinist.

(chs 09-25-2017 14:10 -0500)



Calvinism Obliterated
By christiantruth
YouTube Video URL:

Comments by Charles Sulka

Calvanist doctrines refuted using simple logic and the Bible, from a Catholic perspective.

(chs 09-25-2017 13:56 -0500)