Article by Brett Wilkins

Commentary by Charles H. Sulka



The big problem with warrantless government surveillance is the near impossibility of ending such abuse. The relentless expansion of Big Government, in partnership with Big Business, under the control of the high priests of high technology, has created a surveillance culture where every action, every conversation, indeed, every thought of every human being on planet earth will be monitored continually. The entire human race will be enslaved, assimilated into a captive global network under the control of all-powerful alien overlords (the mind parasites.) The invasion of planet Earth is underway. Indeed, their program of world domination and control is well advanced.

Orwellian surveillance will be imposed on the people under the guise of national security. The powers-that-be will insist that such measures are needed in the face of the threat from international terrorism. Ironically, it is the real terrorists who control the American government who are behind the ruse and the false flag operations that will be used to justify ubiquitous surveillance and other repressive measures. The real terrorist threat is ‘The Enemy Within’ — mostly Jews with their army of minions and enablers … and Zionist fellow travelers. These quislings comprise the advance phalanx of an alien invading force that has as its aim the conquest of planet Earth and the subjugation of the human race.

Telepathically linked to Satan, their god, they do the dirty work of the true enemies of the human race. There is good reason to believe that most of the acts of terrorism against the U.S.A. (other than the occasional lone wolf attack) have been perpetrated by U.S. government insiders, from the assassination of JFK to the WTC 9-11 false flag operation and the attack on the Pentagon. The situation is actually worse than most realize. The brutal attack on a U.S. Naval vessel, the U.S.S. Liberty, by the Israelis in June of 1967 was actually ordered by the President of the United States of America at the time, Lyndon B. Johnson. The White House even ordered the fighter squadrons who were dispatched to come to the Liberty’s aid to stand down and return to base, leaving the ship’s crew to suffer from the relentless repeated assaults by the (unmarked) Jewish fighter planes and (unseen) submarines. The Jews’ intention was to sink the American ship in one of their never-ending false flag operations. In this case the plan was to put the blame on Egypt for the attack in order to lure the Americans into a Middle East war — possibly even nuclear war. There really is nothing new here, is there? This is exactly what the Zionists’ are doing in the Middle East today.

The Enemy Within is, and apparently always will be, in control of the national security apparatus. The national security state, or Deep State, will never investigate itself for its crimes. Governments do not investigate themselves or hold themselves accountable. This principle might be thought of as the First Rule of Power.

With regard to the U.S. government’s intelligence agencies obtaining warrantless cell phone tracking data, we are facing a hopeless situation. The Israelis have taken over the entire security apparatus, defense communications, and intelligence operations. The Israeli’s hooks into America’s communications goes even deeper than this. By signing every American cellular provider to contracts whereby Israeli firms process the cell phone network’s billing, Israel knows every cell phone data link in America (indeed, in most of the world.) Even if the American government does not have direct access to this cell phone tracking data, the Jews have it … which means everyone else in the world has access to this data (for a price, of course.) The Jews might be ruthless and unscrupulous, but they’re not stupid. By controlling the cell phone interlink system, the Jews know where every human being on earth is every minute of the day … and who they are communicating with.

I once heard the Israeli Ambassador say at a presentation at Georgetown University in Washington DC (Satan’s U.S. headquarters), that Israel practiced Johnsonian politics (named in honor of Israel’s greatest political puppet, U.S. President Lyndon Baynes Johnson) ….

     JFK [assassinated by LBJ and the CIA at the behest of his Jewish controllers] used to say that it was necessary to win the hearts and minds of the people to get the citizenry to support a political program. LBJ ‘s method was less sophisticated, but more effective. LBJ used to say that “if you’ve got them by the balls, the rest will follow.”

Israel has America by the balls. The Synagogue of Satan is so deeply entrenched in America society that it is extremely unlikely that it can ever be dislodged … and the Jews know it. This is what makes them so brazen and bold in this final stage of global conquest. They are fully aware of the hold they have on the nation.

(chs 01-25-2021 1718 -0500)


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Rights Advocates Alarmed by US Spy Agency’s Purchase of Warrantless Phone Location Data

Posted on January 24, 2021 by Jerri-Lynn Scofield

By Brett Wilkins, staff writer at Common Dreams. Originally published at CommonDreams

Digital rights advocates reacted with alarm to a report published Friday detailing how Defense Intelligence Agency analysts in recent years bought databases of U.S. smartphone location data without first obtaining warrants.

URL of Naked Capitalism blog post:

Rights Advocates Alarmed by US Spy Agency’s Purchase of Warrantless Phone Location Data