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Commentary by Charles Sulka


This rather shabby video is a promotional piece by the son of one of the participants in the U.S. government’s parapsychological research program. Top-secret research into RV (Remote Viewing), as it is called, was conducted by the government over a period of several decades under the Stargate program (and various other program names.) Such investigations were (reportedly) abandoned after it was determined that they were a total waste of time and money.

This video is of uncertain legal status. I watched the video featured on Amazon Prime Video (a subscription-based service), and I see that it can be viewed on Youtube for $4.99. Thus it is distributed on a for-profit basis. Presumably, this downloaded (free) Youtube version is in violation of copyright; it is to be expected that it will be deleted.

The video is of low standards — both the content, and the production values. It is obviously a propaganda piece aimed at legitimizing and promoting research into parapsychology, and repairing the reputations of those involved in related research.

It is worthy of note that the ‘recently declassified’ documents cited by the writers appear to be in direct contradiction to the previously declassified CIA and Pentagon documents which basically concluded that there was nothing of value in the government’s research into the paranormal. Because the CIA and the security services are known for disinformation and deceit, it might be difficult to actually ferret out the truth of the matter. If there is one thing that all Americas agree on, it is that everything the government tells us is a lie.

There are some interesting, original (or at least not widely seen) video clips in this video. It is probably worth watching (once, anyway.)

It is certainly worth thinking about the dangers of allowing the government to rely on the (real or imagined) magic powers of witches and psychics. Nothing could be stupider than allowing the government to be involved in such activity, especially in secret.

(chs 08-19-2019 1151 -0500)