Video by Polly St. George

Commentary by Charles H. Sulka

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In this video Polly St. George (The Amazing Polly) introduces the hypothesis that some unnamed dark power is directing mankind’s destiny, manipulating scientific development and socio-political events toward … and here she stops, before revealing who she thinks might be doing it or the purpose behind the plan. Ms. St. George does provide us with some revelatory and unsettling clues, however. The viewer is left to draw their own conclusion.

Ms. St. George calls our attention to the ‘paper clips’, the intelligence agents and Nazi scientists (especially rocket scientists) who were sought by both the US and Russia after WW-II. She makes no mention of the Japanese geneticists and bioweapons experts who were snuck into the country to continue their murderous experiments under the auspices of America’s military research programs at Ft. Detrick, MD and at other secret government facilities. I get the impression that Ms. St. George’s is only now learning of these scandals, which are now almost ancient history in the lore of government crimes and abuses. I suspect that most of her followers will have at least a passing familiarity with these dark secrets, as the stories have been widely circulating for decades, and are well documented.

Ms. St. George calls our attention to Robert Maxwell, Israeli MOSSAD super-spy who infiltrated Britain’s intelligence services from which he conducted widespread espionage against the West in support of Zionist Israel. Maxwell reputedly directed Israel’s espionage against the US Department of Justice which led to the theft of intellectual property — PROMIS computer software developed by Inslaw, a U.S. software developer under contract to the D.O.J. Traitors — neocon insiders in the D.O.J. itself — conspired with the Israeli government to facilitate the theft of American IP. These same traitors (who have never been brought to justice) later conspired with MOSSAD and CIA operatives to end the life of a pesky journalist who was looking into the matter.

A court later ruled that the DOJ acted in bad faith and deliberately put Inslaw out of business to facilitate Israel’s theft of the software, which Maxwell marketed internationally. The powerful software was sold by Maxwell and a cabal of Republican cronies to government agencies, especially intelligence and security forces, around the world. The software, which was secretly fitted with a ‘backdoor’, allowed the Israelis access to practically everything that went on in the various countries’ inner chambers. There are reports that Maxwell personally profited from the international sale of Inslaw’s software to the tune of half a billion dollars. Israel’s ‘take’ of official secrets and information pilfered from around the world is inestimable … but Israel did award their spy Maxwell the highest honors in recognition of his invaluable service to Israel after his death. (As often happens to those unfortunate enough to come into contact with Israel’s security services, Maxwell died under suspicious circumstance.)

The story of Inslaw/PROMIS was under investigation by Danny Casolaro, a freelance investigative journalist who died under suspicious circumstances in Martinsburg, WV where he was to meet with a source. No-one believes the official government explanation — that Casolaro committed suicide. The journalist’s wrists were slashed viciously and repeatedly, something that would have been impossible for the squeamish journalist to do to himself; moreover, all of his files on the story were missing from his hotel room.

Maxwell used publishing operations as a front for his espionage against the West on Israel’s behalf. As Ms. St. George points out, Maxwell’s main book publishing venture was named Pergamon Press. Ms. St. George provides the misleading (perhaps out of lack of information) reference to Pergamon as the ancient home of the mythical goddess Athena. Ms. St. George fails to mention the connection between the Zionist-Luciferian-Talmudic cabal and Satan; Maxwell’s publishing venture almost certainly took its name from Pergamon, the throne of Satan as described in the Bible’s Book of Revelation.

The viewer should pay close attention. Jesus referred to the Jews as the Synagogue of Satan. Down through the ages the Jews have associated themselves and their activities with the occult, dark spirits, duplicity and deception, often using Biblical references symbolic of evil. Bear in mind that Satan’s fatal flaw was pride, one of the seven cardinal sins, and the one most offensive to the Lord. A proud Satan wants to make it known to the world who is behind the evil machinations and nefarious scheming of the Jews.

The program to direct science and technology, and, at the same time, manipulate social and political factors to redirect the course of history are central to a scheme by evil forces to enslave the human race, with the human population reduced to refugee status in the new occupied territories. In this Dystopian vision of man’s future this New World Order encompasses all of planet earth. The plan had its beginnings in antiquity, with Satan’s fall to earth.

The plan is quite simple, conceptually. Satan’s plan — which transcends three-dimensional space time — is to escape this prison of time & space using genetically engineered ‘hard bodies’ (transhumanism) which can withstand the rigors of space travel. If Satan and his demonic horde succeed in escaping this prison of time and space, there will be all hell to pay. Literally.

Satan is imprisoned in an ‘abyss’, figurative speaking. Jesus set the trap before the foundations of the world. Satan thinks he is in control … and indeed, he may be, at least temporarily. Using advanced technology and artificial intelligence supercomputers linked to the world’s military factions from headquarters in Israel, Satan will guide man’s destiny until he and his minions can escape planet earth. The demonic horde will leave behind a doomsday machine, an ‘Iron Dome’ weapons system of lasers, missiles, particle beam weapons, and even nuclear armaments. The system will be triggered automatically, controlled by computers hosting artificial intelligence algorithms.

The plan is to blow Jesus out of the sky at the Second Coming. Most of the program is now in place. The time of the event is fast approaching, according to many who are attuned to the signs of the times.

Meanwhile, earth’s population will have been decimated, with mankind relegated to a two-tiered neo-feudal economic system ruled by technocrats serving the elites. Human beings will be subjugated by domineering Jews, the alien overlords’ administrators, in perpetual bondage. Economic enslavement is a core principle of planetary invasion through colonization. Seizing the opportunity brought by the Corona virus pandemic and resultant economic collapse, the Jews (who control the world’s financial systems) will acquire all of the planet’s assets, forcing the human race to grovel at their feet. The humans will be reduced to abject poverty, struggling for survival in economic enslavement from which there is no hope of escape.

Rather than an economic system that allows prosperity and opportunity for the human race, the New World Order will reduce the population to forced labor — slave labor serving the alien mind parasites. In much the same way that the prisoners of Nazi Germany and Japan were forced to produce weapons and armaments for the fascists, the ‘proles’ in the coming neo-feudal system will find their labors directed toward the production of armaments — high tech weapons systems to be shipped off-world. Conditions will be brutal for the survivors of the coming economic and social collapse.

Using artificial intelligence programs running on the various governments’ supercomputers to automate the process, the demons will control every human being on planet earth through implants and electronic signals using the 5G (millimeter-wave) cellular phone network now being rolled out on a global scale. Those who resist reprogramming and control by the aliens will be euthanized via high-powered radio signals blasted directly into their skulls. Resistance will be futile.

The plan has been in the making for centuries, even millenia. (Demons are not bound by the same constraints of time and space as human beings.) Their master work is almost completed. Satan and his angels will use the captive human population along with a vast army of robots and highly automated factories to build advanced weapons, quantum computers, lasers, and space vehicles for use in the never-ending intergalactic wars.

Intelligent parasites have many enemies; every race in the galaxy is committed to the eradication of the mind parasites, the transcendent demonic spirit beings. To fight ceaseless wars requires a never ending supply of armaments. To the alien invaders, planet Earth is seen as nothing more than a client state hosting a captive workforce to build the machines of mass destruction needed by demonic warlords.

As Polly St. George recognizes, there seems to be an overarching pattern to the relentless arms race, militarization, and mankind’s technological advances. The threat is real, although few can comprehend the entirety of the operation because it is too vast, too complex. It simply boggles the mind. The human mind cannot embrace it all, certainly not in the details of the ever-expanding operations that transcend time. This is why Satan and his minions need networks of supercomputers running artificial intelligence programs. Planetary invasion and occupation is a major operation — there is a lot to keep track of. Keeping track of it all in real time is a challenge, even for aliens of superhuman intelligence.

I have first-hand knowledge that the threat is real. A high-level CIA insider, a technocrat, admitted to me that the CIA’s tooth radios and implants are alien technology that government scientists (actually, contractors) reverse-engineered from technology recovered from crashed UFOs. The UFOs that the government has secreted away and hopes to use in the development of secret weapons systems were left by the aliens deliberately. It is a ruse. They are not here to help us, only to manipulate us to serve their purposes. The alien artifacts could be thought of as a Trojan horse. The whole cold war / arms race is a contrivance, scripted and choreographed, for the purpose of manipulating the human race to develop, manufacture, and stockpile a vast arsenal of weapons of mass destruction.

Advances in technology will enable the alien invaders to control the entire human population. The plan is to get human beings to entrain themselves voluntarily in the demons’ control matrix. Like in the movie ‘Independence Day’, the aliens will use our own satellite communications systems and computer networks against us. This technology will be used to control every man, woman, and child on earth using networked supercomputers and the 5G cellular network.

The alien invaders think of us as little more than clever monkeys; the Talmudic Jews (the mind parasites’ advance phalanx) refer to the human race as ‘donkeys’ with all non-Semitic peoples deserving to be exploited and enslaved. Let’s face it, we really are pretty stupid; we fall for their tricks every time. It looks to be almost certain we will play into their hand this time, too.

In a review of JØRGEN VEISDAL’s article in “THE UNPARALLELED GENIUS OF JOHN VON NEUMANN” Jørgen Veisdal describes the scientists who worked to develop the atomic bomb as “Martians”, a reflection of the suspicion that many of the atomic scientists were not of human origin, but rather were extraterrestrial creatures of superhuman intelligence. In short, they were thought to be aliens. (See commentary by CHARLES SULKA at

There are a number of writers who have presented evidence of an ongoing alien invasion. For example, psychic Ruth Montgomery, a leading New Age visionary and writer for the Washington Post who claimed to have been influential in the Nixon and Reagan administrations, published her ground-breaking book, ALIENS AMONG US in 1986. In her book — one of many she published on the occult and paranormal — she claims the U.S. government is in league with, and under the control of, extra-terrestrials. Israeli psychic and adviser to the CIA and the Pentagon Uri Geller goes even further: Geller claims he receives instructions telepathically from aliens orbiting earth. And a growing number of America’s politicians and political appointees appear to be targets of alien mind control; there is speculation that the aliens are blasting planet earth with a ‘stupidity beam’ using psychotronic generators in satellites in earth orbit. (Note that this fits with the New Agers and psychics — including Uri Geller and other CIA and Pentagon advisers — who claim that they are communicating with aliens telepathically.)

Ms. St. George sometimes gets confused by right-wing propaganda. For example, she rails against China’s one-child policy, and apparently has a negative opinion of all population control proposals. It is not clear how such measures mesh with the hypothetical control grid being established by the aliens … except it does make sense that any race aiming to colonize planet earth would not want to see the human race self-destruct before we can be put to use.

Ms. St. George apparently does not recognize the importance of limiting global population growth — of stabilizing the human population. People who do not acknowledge the crucial importance of limiting population growth are dangerously misguided. This position is usually based on a lack of understanding of Malthusian principles, coupled with the misconception that holy writ mandates unlimited population growth (Koran, Bible, various other religious writings are frequently cited.) The idea that God (whichever god they recognize) would want to see the human race destroy itself through an obdurate refusal to embrace sound population management practices does not paint a very flattering picture of the Almighty. God isn’t stupid, and He does not want His children to self-destruct from their own stupidity.

People who endorse such beliefs lack understanding of basic science. The concept of exponential growth appears to be beyond their comprehension. The fact that any species which experiences unchecked growth will eventually exceed the available resources is (or should be) self-evident. At some point, the organism’s numbers will exceed the carrying capacity of its environment (in the case of human beings, this would be planet earth.) Soon, the human population will have reached the limits to growth. When that time might be, is anybody’s guess. The smart money would wager that the time is fast approaching.

Many religious fanatics take the position that there are no limits to population growth. This is scientifically impossible, ridiculous, preposterous. Unfortunately, Ms. St. George seems to be receptive to the extremists’ misguided thinking.

Ms. St. George refers to Israeli spy Robert Maxwell as Jeffrey Epstein’s MOSSAD contact, with Maxwells’ daughter the link to Israel’s spy services who were behind Epstein’s pedophile blackmail operation — a massive operation which has purportedly ensnared a number of victims, VIPS, foreign dignitaries, political figures, even past and current Presidents of the United States. There is even reason to suspect that the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court (John Roberts of “I can’t define pornography but I know it when I see it” fame) was a participant in the shenanigans at Epstein’s ‘pedophile island’ private resort in the Caribbean. The ‘honey trap’ is the Jews’ favorite method of entraping and controlling world leaders, as it is one of the simplest and most effective espionage techniques.

It cannot be denied that the Israelis are the greatest espionage threat to America’s national security, and always have been, as the FBI has repeatedly pointed out. While true enough, the threat to the nation from the Zionist state is not the full story here. The true nature of the threat has been concealed. The Jews are not themselves at the apex of the hierarchy; the Jews serve a higher power, a dark power which controls them. Talmudic Jews worship Lucifer, the embodiment of evil. As Jesus said, the Jews are the Synagogue of Satan. The alien nature of the object of Jewish worship is something that many people do not see because of the Jews’ masterful use of propaganda down through the ages.

Ms. St. George also reminds us that Jack Parsons (prominent in jet propulsion and rocketry) and L. Ron Hubbard of the Scientology cult were at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a government research and development center, which was known to employ a number of rabid Satanists and occultists. (Hubbard was reportedly naval intelligence; I have photo of Hubbard pointing to his tooth radio making the sign of the beast) JPL later became NASA. This ties in with the general theme of the Luciferian links to America’s advanced technology programs, and supports the hypothesis that superpower tensions and the arms race are in reality part of a plan to get the human race to build and stockpile vast numbers of advanced weapons which can be expropriated by the alien mind parasites.

Ms. St. George points out that John Brochman superseded Maxwell after his death, continuing his work. Brochman was into transhumanism, cybernetics, merging man with machines, etc. Just one look at his photo and you can see he is not human — he is a demon. Remember, Satan’s plan is to escape this prison of time & space using genetically engineered ‘hard bodies’ which can withstand the rigors of space travel. Advanced technology, high-tech weapons, genetic engineering, and transhumanism all fit together in the plan.

Many of Satan’s instruments on earth are ersatz humans, possessed human beings under demonic control, or telepathic ‘plants’ working under the direction of the Prince of Darkness. Do not be deceived. Do not think we, as human beings, can outsmart and defeat demons (non-corporal intelligences.) To think we can contend with demons and prevail is the height of stupidity. Such thinking leaves one vulnerable to demonic influence, even demonic possession. Because of such prideful thinking, we fail to use the only weapon that can actually save us — the power of God.

Demons (non-corporal entities) are vastly more intelligent than even the most intelligent human beings. Remember, demons are linked in a mesh network, a ‘hive-mind’, a collective consciousness. Moreover, demons are not bound by the same constraints of space and time as natural men. Demons can also read minds, making it impossible to deceive or outmaneuver them. The only hope us is to ally ourselves with God, through His son, our redeemer, Jesus Christ. If we join with the spirit of Christ, even the demons will cower in fear, and we will be set free.

Ms. St. George does a commendable job of providing us with clues. The story is so vast that it cannot be explained, nor even summarized, in one short video presentation. But it is true that the fate of humanity is at stake and that the enemy is not human (although it uses human beings for its purposes.) Obviously Ms. St. George expects her viewers to connect the dots and come to their own conclusion. If she were to make things any clearer the Youtube censors would immediately cancel her channel (Youtube is under the control of the Enemy.) This would drastically reduce her audience; fewer people would get the message. Sometimes it is necessary to compromise with evil in the never-ending war between God and the forces of light, and the Jews, the Synagogue of Satan, who are allied with the forces of evil.

Ms. St. George challengers her viewers to consider the possibility of there being a super-human intelligence, a dark force, behind the relentless advance of science and technology without a concomitant advance in intelligence or social consciousness on the part of mankind. Ms. St. George leaves it to the viewer to draw their own conclusions about what is happening here. She avoids stating that alien invaders are using the Jews in a nefarious plot to manipulate and control human beings for dark purposes.

That this is the case should surprise no-one. There is indisputable evidence that the Jews have been running espionage operations and revolutionary movements in virtually every country in the world, for decades. No, centuries. Who stole America’s atomic secrets and gave them to Russia? Jewish spies. Who is responsible for China’s advances in thermonuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them? Israeli scientists and Jewish spies. Who stole America’s most highly guarded nuclear secrets and gave them to Zionist Israel, allowing the Jewish terrorists in Palestine to establish the world’s only nuclear armed apartheid nation-state? Israeli spies and their traitorous supporters in America. The list of the Jews betrayal of this nation (and, indeed, the human race) goes on and on ….

The Jews’ perfidy is unequaled. America was once a great nation, a shining light on a hill, so to speak. But America today is a cesspool of moral decay, political corruption, financial fraud, murderous foreign adventurism, sacrilegious blasphemous nonsense, and psychobabble … all resultant of the relentless assault on the nation by the Enemy Within. The Jew literally worships evil and takes pride in doing the dirty work of dark forces. This is why Jesus referred to the Jews — especially their religious leaders — as the Synagogue of Satan. The Lord knew exactly who He was dealing with.

Turn from the evil that so offends the Lord. Renounce the false prophets (America’s TV preachers and religious con artists), the occult, the New Age Movement, Zionism, the New World Order, One World Government, and the syncretistic One World Religion of Talmudic secular humanistic Judaism. It’s time we came to our senses … before it is too late.

At 24:06 there is a photo (dated 1919) of Wu Zhengu (Wuhan, China) pointing to his alien tooth radio implant, making what I refer to as the sign of the beast. (Which is not the same thing as the Mark of the Beast, something different.) (I think.)

(CHS 07-25-2020 1736 -0500 / 07-28-2020 1219 -0500)