Video by: VisualPolitik EN

Commentary by: Charles H. Sulka





[This video is archived under MANIAC ON-LINE \ VIDEOS \ ECONOMICS \ (COUNTRIES) \ POLAND … although the focus of this critique is actually neoliberal capitalism, globalization, colonialism.]


Simon Whistler — and now this spin-off, Vidual Politics EN — never cease to preach neoliberal economics and NWO propaganda using masterfully-crafted videos based on simplistic and superficial economic analyses. In these superficial analyses, growth is always measured in terms of GDP, never more subtle (and more meaningful) measures of a nation’s development such as quality of life, life expectancy, economic stability, literacy rates, rejuvenation of the environment, etc. These formulaic video presentations repeat the same globalist propaganda ad nauseum. The underlying theme is that growth and economic recovery results from colonialism and mercantilism. Abolish local regulation of the economy and embrace instead ‘free-market’ capitalism, turn the economy — both the productive economy and the speculative economy (the finance sector) — into a deregulated ‘wild west’ business environment so that globalists and financiers can rejuvenate the nation’s manufacturing sector which will result in the country becoming an export powerhouse. This is the promise, anyway … but the reality is often quite different. (Colonialism + mercantilism.)

Never mentioned are the less favorable long lasting results of foreign investments: the erosion of national sovereignty, the loss of control over the nation’s economy, the lives of its citizens being subjected to the whims of foreign investors, the people’s loss of control over their very lives, the corruption of government, a growing dependence on external finance capitol, the emergence of corrupt ruling elites, the expropriation of the nation’s resources, the destruction of the local culture, the displacement of democratic institutions, and the inevitable transfer of power and control out of the hands of the people and, through the process of centralization and consolidations, into the hands of foreigners (corporatists) whose sole interest is exploitation and profiteering from the vulnerable.

The most frightening words the people of any nation will ever hear are, “We’re from the IMF and we’re to help you.” Only, the people never hear the sales pitch. Only the country’s leaders will hear these words from the representatives of international finance. What clinches the deal is the lure of personal enrichment the ruling elites are promised by the financiers and business leaders. I mean seriously, if one is going to sell out their country to the internationalists, one should at least get rich doing it. It’s just good business, putting one’s self-interest first, in the tradition of homo economicus. It’s what any rational actor would do.

The economic miracle that results is usually short-lived. Mercantilism is a zero-sum game; in time the globalists simply move production to a different impoverished country ripe for plunder (er… ‘development’.) In the end, the profiteers take their profits (while retaining a strangle-hold on the economy), saddle the nation with debt (in disastrous deals with the government they have corrupted), and force the people to suffer in poverty and deprivation as they plunder the country’s riches. Example in point: Argentina. Visual Politics EN did a video on Argentina recently, too, in which the truth was cleverly twisted to make it sound like problems caused by globalism and neoliberal economics could only be fixed by more foreign intervention and neoliberal economics — IMF loans coupled with the hair shirt of austerity.

If there is one thing the international Jews (bankers) know how to do, it is how to add insult to injury. Don’t just destroy people. Make the victims of usury and exploitation pay through the nose for the suffering they have wrought. Rub their noses in it! Sneer at them that they are too stupid to figure out how you have screwed them over. Then do it to the suckers all over again!

Frankly, I find this never-ending stream of globalist propaganda a bit tiring. Simon Whistler is selling snake oil, a poisonous combination of neoliberal economics and neoconservative politics, in keeping with the Zionist dream of a world under their dominion and control. This should be regarded as a propaganda piece promoting globalism, free trade, neoliberal economics and the neo-feudal New World Order.

(CHS 02-01-2021 1600 -0500)


POLAND: from COMMUNISM to CAPITALISM in just a few WEEKS – VisualPolitik EN

Jan 3, 2021

YouTube Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLWenCAf7EM