Charles Sulka

(Revised 08-08-2022 1715 -0500)

(C) 1995 – 2019 Charles Sulka

     According to Steamshovel Press (P.O. Box 23715, St. Louis, Missouri, 63121), there is mounting evidence that U.S. government security services–including the CIA and the FBI–have been involved in an international child-abuse ring. This does, indeed, appear to be the case; these allegations mesh with my own discovery of the security services’ involvement in witchcraft and the occult, drugs, Satanism, sexual perversions, and mind control.

     The evidence of ritual child abuse within the international intelligence mafia is cited in an article by Cliff Roth entitled “Skip Clemens and the Finders” (Steamshovel Press Number 11):

     Skip Clemens says the more he looks into the possible involvement of the U.S. Customs Service, the FBI, and the CIA in an international child-abuse ring, the more it resembles the Washington, D.C. based “Finders” ring uncovered in 1991. In fact, he has come to suspect that it might all be connected. Clemens used to be with the CIA but now he says he’s with a private company in Stuart, Florida called Technology Strategic Planning (TSP), that is staffed by former intelligence employees (although, unusual for a private company, its telephone number is unlisted and Directory Assistance told me that its prefix did not exist in that area code). Clemens says the capacity he works in now is not as an agent but as a “parent”. Clemens own child was one of the victims of the Glendale Montessori School in Florida, which was busted in the mid-1980s in what has been the only successful prosecution ever in the U.S. for ritual child abuse (contra Ken Lanning, the FBI’s False Memory Syndrome advocate, who denies ritual child abuse exists). Numerous other ex-CIA officials’ kids were victimized in that case, too, but once the true scope of the operation became known prosecutors’ hands were already tied. James Toward, the school’s founder, and his secretary were sentenced to 25 and 10 years respectively in 1986, but only on the condition that anyone else discovered in the operation be immune from prosecution. That odd plea-bargain should have been the tip-off, Clemens says. Beyond the five victims known at the time, TSP is now discovering that Glendale was connected to a ring of Montessori schools in Kentucky, Mississippi, and elsewhere which routinely chloroformed and hypnotized children — some as young as 18 months — and shipped them as far afield as Mexico on “field trips” featuring sexual abuse and full documentation on film and video. According to Clemens, multiple-personality disorder programming also features in their repertoire of mind-control techniques.

     Clemens claims TSP has been finding similar case, Tallahassee police in 1987 busted what seemed at first to be a small kiddie-porn operation that they managed to trace to a warehouse in Washington, D.C. There a full-scale studio was in operation, involving not only child victims but also mutilated animals and other paraphernalia indicating ritual abuse. It was shaping up to be the kind of multi-jurisdictional bust that would make the Tallahassee cops famous; the FBI and Customs were cooperating on cracking the whole ring. That is, until the CIA stepped in and squashed the bust — and the story. That’s why you haven’t heard about the Finders in the mainstream press: it tentacles [sic] went too high into federal agencies. The cover-up of the Montessori ring, Clemens maintains, involves not only the Customs Service’s child-protection team but also that agency’s executive level and highest levels of the FBI and CIA as well. But TSP’s people have high connections in the CIA too, and that’s the only reason they haven’t been shut down as quickly as the Finders investigation. The IRS tried to crack down on TSP in April, and they’ve been harassed by Finders agents as well. But Clemens insists the scandal reaches too far and the documentation is too extensive to deny; even paperwork from Customs’ own investigations implicates their involvement. That much is confirmed by a 1993 Associated Press report that the Justice Department was investigating Customs Service allegations that the Finders was not only a Satanic “commune” but a CIA “front company.” The CIA, according to the report, has tried to obstruct the investigation: the CIA denies everything. The Finders are in this connection identified with a computer company called Future Enterprises, which trained CIA employees in the 1980s. Clemens says TSP has been in touch with U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, NBC, ABC, CNN, Newsweek, and others. At Steamshovel’s press time he was promising that America would be reading all about it within a few weeks. Then again that’s what Clemens told me in December 1993. But he isn’t making it all up. A spokesman for one of the two Congressmen cooperating in Clemens’ investigation, Charles Rose of North Carolina (the other is Tom Lewis of Florida), confirmed the main outline of what Clemens said. The spokesman added though that it was too early to talk about “ritual abuse” or to start setting dates for any big revelations. The investigation is still in the early stages, Rose’s office said. But if half of what Clemens says is true, there’s a government-run ritual abuse ring whose discovery could shake up the corridors of power like no other scandal since Watergate. Let’s hope that if he’s right the CIA doesn’t get to him first.

As a freelance journalist investigating corruption in America’s security services, and a documented victim of military intelligence mind-control experiments and CIA assassination attempts, I am concerned about reports of civil rights violations and abuse — particularly ritual child abuse — on the part of U.S. government officials.

Quite coincidentally, I am in a position to provide background information about the Finders commune suspected of involvement in ritual child abuse. While I am not in a position to say whether the charges outlined above are true, I can say with certainty that Finders is a CIA front company and that its members have long been involved in witchcraft, occultism, shamanism, feminism, and sexual perversions.

According to the article, the Finders ritual child abuse ring was uncovered in 1991. With regard to the current investigation, I am puzzled by Skip Clemens’ observation that there has been nothing about the Finders in the mainstream press. I know of a number of articles about the Finders which were printed in the mainstream press — including one in which the headline “SATANIC CULT” was emblazoned across the pages of the Washington Post. The first of these articles dates to 1986.

There may be an explanation why researchers are unaware of the numerous articles about this group, and it does in fact suggest an official cover-up. Some years ago while researching the Finders (among other subjects) I queried the Washington Post’s computerized database from a terminal in the San Diego, California public library. I had in my hands copies of the Finders articles, which I had previously clipped from the Washington Post, as well as a number of stories about the CIA, NSA, and FBI. I was puzzled to discover that the Washington Post — which, I have come to realize, is a branch of the CIA itself — edits the news which is contained in its on-line database. There were absolutely no articles about the CIA on file; in fact, all articles about national security had been deleted from the database. Even with the clippings in my hands, the articles were not to be found in the database. They simply did not officially exist. Evidently, the Post’s editors had stuffed them down the memory hole.

I know of the articles on the Finders which ran in the Washington Post (and the Hagerstown, Maryland Morning-Herald) only because I happened to be in the area at the time. It would appear that the national security mafia has coopted at least the major newspapers into concealing revelatory news articles, thus blocking effective research into their activities (legal or otherwise).

Mr. Clemens’ naivete is apparent from his expectation that the networks and publications he has contacted (NBC, ABC, CNN, and Newsweek) will take a serious interest in the story. Moreover, it is laughable to think that Attorney General Janet Reno will take action. Under Janet Reno’s leadership, the Justice Department has tried to legalize child pornography (and with the former Surgeon General’s encouragement, legalization of every sort of sexual abuse of children was the probable next step). Evidently Mr. Clemens is unaware of the New Age anti-Christian bias prevalent in the popular press — sentiments shared by all of President Clinton’s political appointees, by the way. Or else he does not grasp the reach of groups such as the Finders (at one point Finders cult members provided security services for, among others, Jack Valenti and the Motion Pictures Producers Association at their Washington headquarters). Finders is well connected; but their real power, like the power of more and more of the New Age subversive groups, lies in their corporate connections. Corporate America has rejected traditional values and has embraced voodoo economics and New Age humanism as the new paradigm. Do not expect corporate America to turn on its gurus. A Newsweek cover story is most unlikely.

Finders is a CIA front company. The important thing to remember here is that Finders is not unusual — it is but one of innumerable “cells” operating within and, of course, outside of the United States. The recruiting techniques and methodology practiced by the Finders is standard operating procedure for such groups.

The Finders is a recruitment center and training arm of a pervasive (and subversive) popular movement known as the New Age Movement. The stated aims of this movement are to subvert and undermine traditional family values and in particular Christian spiritual doctrines, replacing them with the new paradigm of the New Age movement. (For a concise discussion of the New Age movement, I recommend Groothuis, Douglas R., “The New Age Movement”, InterVarsity Press) The world-view of the New Age movement can be summed up in a single word: “anti-Christian”. Anything goes, with a single exception — traditional Christian values are absolutely rejected. Specifically, the New Age movement (and Finders and like-minded CIA cells) advocates the 1960s counter-cultural values of free love, feminism, homosexuality and “alternative lifestyles”, promoting an individualistic spirituality of Self-worship… a secular humanism which has expanded to cosmic proportions — cosmic humanism. Occultism, spiritualism, Eastern mysticism, Buddhism, reincarnation, feminism, shamanism, and, yes, even witchcraft are touted as diverse paths to enlightenment and self-realization.

The New Age movement, however, is anything but communist. Interestingly, the New Agers in the CIA reject the egalitarian principles of socialism, yet embrace their own set of evils not unlike those of the former “evil empire” — the statism and bureaucratic mind-set, the forced equality of feminism, the tolerance of sexual perversions without regard for the damage to the society at large, and of course the vituperative anti-family rhetoric of the Left. Finders is not communist although they do live communally and appear to function as a group. (I, for one, question their claims to common ownership of property. A review of the real estate records might clear things up.) At various points in their past they have experimented with what can only euphemistically be referred to as an “open door” policy, which can be defined as free sex under matriarchal control. Male dominance in sexual relationships was definitely taboo. Interestingly, certain members of the cult still speak bitterly of the many failures of the group sex proposition. Men and women in the cult have all-too-frequently failed to grasp the theory behind the Finders’ “extended family” (group sex); they just would not get with the program, so to speak. Ignoring the revered teachings of anthropologist Margaret Mead on the demise of the nuclear family, ignoring even TIME MAGAZINE and other mainstream publications, more than a few men and women have run off to get married, only to live out their lives as normal, happily married couples. It is evident that not everyone is ready for this next stage of human evolution.

In their business affairs, however, the Finders operation appears to be not unlike so many other “Section Eight” arrangements where women or minorities are fronting for white male capitalists. Finders was organized in the late 1960s by Marion Pettie, a retired Army Intelligence officer who had served his country as a chauffeur for an army general. Pettie, nicknamed “Stroller” for his penchant for long walks, is a self-styled humanist philosopher and (would be) myth-maker. Pettie has always been the guru of the group (true as of my last contact with the Finders, in 1990). Several women joined forces with Pettie in setting up the Finders operation, which had, from its outset, the stated goal of empowering women and establishing a matriarchal society embracing New Age concepts. Diane Smith, a former English teacher from the midwest (Cincinnati, Ohio, if I recall correctly) was to become second-in-command some years back after the tragic death of a woman, the unfortunate victim of Finders occult practices.

Pettie obtained a large sum of money, at least some of which was his own, an annuity from a life insurance policy, as I remember the story. (Note that one of the standard methods the CIA uses to finance operations, pay off debts of honor, etc., is specially arranged insurance annuities.) With this money he purchased properties including a warehouse in Washington’s market district and a four-unit apartment building at 3918 W Street NW. The apartment building, strategically located near Georgetown University and Hospital, the American University, and Washington’s embassy row, was used as a meeting place, flop house, and locus of the Women’s Information Center, one of the Finders operations.

[Note: I have learned that much of the money came from Pettie’s protege, Robert (Tobe) Terrell, who invested money he had made in questionable business operations later investigated by the SEC. Terrell’s name was on the deeds to the Washington DC properties. Other properties supposed owned by the group were owned by Pettie’s sons who operated a construction business (nothing fishy there so far as I am aware.) Finally, Terrell’s auto-biographical book, “The Gamecaller” (referring to one of Pettie’s nicknames) reveals that in many cases the Finders did not even own the property where their activities took place. The Free State, a sprawling hippie encampment in rural Virginia, was not actually on Pettie’s land, but on land owned by an absentee owner, a friend of Marion Pettie, who allowed Pettie to manage the property.]

The group also later maintained a presence on Livingstone Street NW, Washington, DC. West coast operations included residence and business locations in San Francisco. Apparently they relied on friends and New Age contacts for living accommodations as they moved around the country.

I do not know whether you can still contact any of the group at their former addresses or phone numbers:

3918 W Street NW (202) 337-9814

Washington D.C.

(semi-public phone)

Livingstone St (202) 966-6700

Washington D.C.


3918 W Street NW (202) 338-8163

Washington, D.C.

(Women’s Information Center)

I cannot locate the numbers for their Washington, D.C. warehouse or their California operations. And I never had the numbers for their office(s) in Japan (if such actually existed.) As for Florida — the location of the ongoing problems with child abuse and charges of child endangerment — they were very mysterious about that end of things. I was never told what they were doing in Florida, only that Jim and Betty Farned (who will be identified below) were traveling with a group of children.

From what I heard, the Farneds were leading the youngsters in a course of “applied urban survival skills”, only to be brought in by the local police when the children were seen rummaging through dumpsters for food to eat, dressed in old rags and dirty clothing, and not attending school. One of the main reasons the authorities were suspicious was because there were several children not belonging to the Farned family. To anyone familiar with the Finders, this would not be surprising — the cult existed as a sort of “extended family”. Baby-sitting other members’ children would have been no more unusual than today’s two-worker households dropping off their children at a day-care center … and, in all probability, the Finders children were better cared for and more loved than the hapless little victims left at most day care centers. Nevertheless, the authorities were alarmed.

[Note: my information about the Florida incident is from a personal conversation I had with Diane Smith. I would not think it to be untrue, since she was recording the interview through her tooth radio, as she made clear to me. Note that the official story now (from a number of carefully researched articles, supported by police reports) is different. The Farneds are never mentioned. Two other men were arrested and held before the children were eventually released to the custody of their parents. I have no idea whether Smith was revealing to me a deeper level of information about the incident (why would she?) or whether there was some game-playing going on here. When I was around the Finders, the Farneds were always referred to as NSA employees. The Finders made no secret of such affiliations. Indeed, the group seemed to revel in their connections to the intelligence services, as it provided them with an aura of mystery and magnified their importance. (Professional spies, on the other hand, would do just the opposite.) I have heard that all reference to the Farneds seem to have been scrubbed from the internet, which is understandable if they really were NSA employees. Involvement with the group might raise questions related to security clearances, etc. This all raises some interesting questions. Was Smith telling me the truth, and NSA employees were in on it … or was Smith lying to me, possibly to get revenge on the Farneds who they suspected of being plants in their organization, spying on them?]

The Finders’ four-unit apartment building in Glover Park, a neighborhood of brick row houses in northwest Washington, D.C. was used as a hostel for transients “in the know”. The hostel was technically illegal, obviously unsuited to a residential neighborhood. There were at first some problems with the neighbors, but Washington D.C. is full of strange people known for outrageous behavior, and the police are not about to intervene in neighborhood disputes of that sort. Besides, there were some dangerous-looking individuals at Finders, wild-eyed, dirty, disheveled, and unkempt — the neighbors were, in a word, intimidated by the group (the neighbors suspected that drug trafficking, or worse, was going on there). The Finders did not advertise rooms for rent, and there was no sign in front; guests came only by referrals from “friends”. A bed cost only $5 per night, but as the center was the occasion for a never-ending reunion of old friends, with a lot of traffic and strange goings-on, one usually got little sleep for his money. Meanwhile, the core group lived out of the warehouse, which had previously been a fish processing plant. Facilities at the warehouse were Spartan: the building was unheated, there was one toilet in a stall, and a shower curtain had been hung over a cement pit where, in the building’s previous usage, fish had been washed off before being packed in ice for the trip to the market.

The warehouse in Washington D.C. was the location of the raid by U.S. Customs officials and D.C. police where incriminating evidence was recovered following the arrest of the two men and six children in Tallahassee Florida. Ritual child abuse, international sex trafficking, and child pornography were listed in the official investigations. All of the investigations were quickly curtailed, apparently suppressed by the intelligence services, raising more suspicions. As this incident has received broad coverage in the press and is well documented, with official reports from a number of law enforcement agencies, the matter will not be covered here.

Finders ran a number of related operations in the early 1970s:

The WOMENS’ INFORMATION CENTER (downstairs at 3918 W Street, NW, Washington, DC) promoted radical feminism with an emphasis on power. New Age spirituality was promoted (yoga, magic, sufi dancing, shamanism, occultism, the goddess within, the werewolf within, etc.)

GUNG HO TRADERS was an import-export venture based out of the Finders San Francisco, California office (a rented (?) loft in the same building which housed Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog). Gung Ho Traders had offices in Japan (and possibly other countries) when I last interviewed Finders matriarch, Diane Smith, in 1990. While Gung Ho Traders was almost certainly a cover for CIA activity (Smith boasted to me of their computer capabilities) it was, like all good proprietaries, expected to pay its own way. It is here important to emphasize that the expression “off the shelf, off the books” which gained currency during the Iran-Contra scandal accurately describes the methodology of CIA subversive activities. To avoid the prying eyes of journalists, official oversight, and public accountability, it is standard operating procedure for subversive operations to be self-supporting (off-the-books). Only when an organization is totally self-supporting can it pursue a hidden agenda with impunity.

And it is here important to emphasize that casual relationships known as “informal arrangements”, contract employees and cut-outs safeguard sympathizers in official capacity in the security services. Rarely is it necessary for the CIA or other government agency to exert untoward influence in any investigation of its activities. Compartmentalization and control assure those who secretly pull the strings that they will not be removed from operational capacity (they don’t have to worry about being fired — there is no shortage of well-paid employment opportunities for ex-spooks, for it seems that any number of businesses, hoping perhaps for some advantage to be gained from inside information, look to hire ex-CIA agents … as long as they are not whistle-blowers or trouble-makers, that is.)

Finders’ other business ventures included THE MERRY MAIDS, a house cleaning service, and a private security service, quite possibly modeled after Intertel (International Intelligence, Inc.) a Washington, D.C. based private security firm with ties to the MOSSAD (Israel’s state security service) and the mob. As stated previously, Finders at one point provided the night watchmen for the MPAA, although I do not know whether the security business ever came to anything, or was just a front, or perhaps was only an experiment. Steve Rossof (Roscoe) and Robert Terrell (Tobias, or Toby) would take turns donning the one uniform between them which, apparently, represented the total assets and equipment of the security firm. As both these two and the others eventually left to travel to California, Florida, (where some of the Finders were arrested on charges of child endangerment and even accused of ritual child abuse) and other countries, I assume the private security firm was a concept they abandoned in favor of import-export operations. In most peoples’ eyes, I suspect, this group would hardly seem a suitable choice for security services.

I realized that Finders was a CIA front early on. From the beginning, the group would practice emergency drills where the entire cohort would leave on no more than 15 minutes warning (always given by Pettie). And it was obvious that the Finders had some means of instantaneous communication (this was before I learned about the CIA’s tooth radios). And although I didn’t really think about it at the time, they all had that certain air about them that I have since come to recognize as peculiar to spies: supercilious, condescending, guarded, evasive, prying. I must admit, though, that I dismissed them all as a bunch of stupid hippies, kooks on the fringe of reality, and game-players. I never really fully considered the threat such fringe groups posed to society.

Reportedly, Finders also ran an operation called FUTURE ENTERPRISES, INC. which trained CIA recruits. This is hardly surprising, as all CIA training is contracted out. There are companies which do nothing else but specialized training for CIA recruits (Future Enterprises may be one). In situations like this, the new recruits would have been thoroughly indoctrinated in New Age beliefs and practices. One CIA operative who runs a vast and influential (and immensely powerful) New Age operation in Washington D.C. requires all of his subordinates to take EST (Erhard Seminars Training, now called the Forum) programs. Other CIA training operations are equally questionable — particularly those involving drugs, occult practices, psychology.

For the record, I want to make it clear that I never saw or heard of illegal drug use at Finders, although I know from first-hand experience that mind-altering drugs are regularly used by the security services — not only on others (for mind-control, or for eliciting sensitive information from reluctant individuals) but also on themselves, to achieve heightened states of awareness, altered states of consciousness, or power over others through force of will, etc..

I first met the group at Finders in 1972, while serving as a student representative on the Board of Directors of Mensa University, a university for gifted students (the Mensa University project was a dismal failure; prior to that time I had been unaware of how incredibly weird people of supposed high intelligence could be … and usually are). I became a regular attendee at Finders’ weekly meetings, which were open forums on whatever was on your mind. As I recall, nothing productive ever came from the sessions, but I met a number of interesting — if flaky — people. I met Roy Furst, the first Ambassador to Outer Space (not a joke: the U.N. passed a resolution recognizing a “special interest group” on outer space, and Mr. Furst was chosen — by whomever — to serve as the ambassador to outer space). I met Mildred Loomis from the School of Living, a celebrated back-to-the-lander from Vermont. I met Sam Love from Futuremics, Inc. which published a magazine entitled FUTURE ECONOMICS. (Note the title’s similarity to the name of the Finders’ training program for CIA recruits.) And I met Roy Mason, Housing Editor for the World Future Society’s magazine, THE FUTURIST.

With Finders, I attended meetings and seminars at the Washington D.C. mansion of Barbara Marx Hubbard, the heiress and New Age celebrity described by Wikipedia as “A Jewish agnostic, Barbara Marx was the first of four children of Irene (née Saltzman) and Louis Marx, a toy maker. In her youth she attended the Dalton School in New York City.” (Note that this is the elite school where convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein taught (Talmudic gematria nonsense ‘math’) before he embarked on his life’s work as a pedophile running a MOSSAD ‘honeypot’ blackmail operation. (allegedly.)) Note that the current U.S. Attorney General’s father, a questionable character himself, who was director of the Dalton School, appears to have been responsible for hiring Epstein for the job, even though Epstein had no teaching credentials. Hubbard’s home served as headquarters for the World Future Society, as well as various New Age groups.

At Finders, I met a great number of interesting and exciting people. The Finders operation was a magnet for New Agers, and not by accident — as I said, the apartment building had been turned into a flop-house for free thinkers, attracting a great number of young travelers with business in Washington who were too poor to afford regular accommodations. It is accurate to describe the “W” Street apartment building as a hub of counter-culture activity.

My relationship to Finders was one of a regular visitor and observer up to 1977 when I rented an apartment from them and moved in above the Women’s Information Center (the hostel idea had been pretty much abandoned, but there was a group of regulars who shared several of the apartments). I moved out after only a few months.

When I moved into the apartment, I accepted an offer to work as an assistant to Roy Mason, the architect who, as mentioned previously, edited the “Habitats” column for THE FUTURIST. Mr. Mason lived in the other rented apartment, directly across the hall. Mr. Mason was not a member of Finders inner circle so far as I could discern; in fact, he seemed to coexist with them in a strange symbiotic relationship that I still do not fully understand. As I had been an avid reader of THE FUTURIST for years, I was excited to have an opportunity to work closely with a man of such reputation.

For Mr. Mason was a man of some repute. I knew of his writing for THE FUTURIST (which, I later learned, was in actuality the work of graduate students at American University’s School of Architecture and Design). I knew of his work with the Washington D.C. Children’s Museum. And everyone had heard of Mr. Mason’s innovative use of sprayed urethane foam in his futuristic home designs.

In fact, Mr. Mason was nicknamed “The Mad Foamer” in architectural circles. Not everyone appreciated his innovative use of structural foam. One snobbish woman in Bethesda got her comeuppance when her husband hired Mr. Mason to remodel the entrance to their home . Regrettably, she did not appreciate Mr. Mason’s architectural genius and refused to pay him for his work. Worse yet, she sued Mr. Mason, claiming that the new entrance to their expensive home looked like nothing so much as two monstrous lopsided female breasts (which was a pretty accurate description, as Mr. Mason himself admitted). Their home, which the neighbors called the “tit” house, had become a scandal and the joke of the neighborhood. Refusing to live in the house, she moved out and filed for divorce.

Another ill-fated project was Communitas College, located near Camp David, Maryland, in the Appalachian foothills. It is unclear whether the locals objected primarily to the progressive thrust of the institution’s liberal arts curriculum, or whether their main concern was aesthetics. In any event, the experimental college — a complex of free-form structures made of sprayed urethane foam — was out of business almost before it opened its doors; the local rednecks burned it to the ground.


As I say, Mr. Mason was a man of some repute. Actually, it is fair to say I was totally unaware of Mr. Mason’s true nature. The Finders made cryptic comments which I came to understand only later. When, some months afterward, I asked them in puzzlement how they could possibly allow such a degenerate to live in the same building, they had a typically Finders explanation. They explained that there were two types of people in the world, “truth seekers” and “pleasure seekers”. The pleasure seekers (which is most of the human race, I came to understand) comprised a lower order of being — animals, if you will — who have not raised themselves above their animal nature. It is important for enlightened human beings (truth seekers) to never forget the difference between the two, lest they lose sight of the goal, become complacent, suffer a breakdown in discipline, or come to tolerate mediocrity in themselves or in others. They explained that Roy Mason was archetypical of the pleasure seeker; he exemplified man’s base nature. They kept him around as a “negative teacher”, someone they could point to as exemplary of all that is base in human nature: greed, self-centeredness, pride, arrogance, and lust. I know I saw all I ever wanted to see of these things. The unnatural lust part I found particularly distasteful.

While at Finders I was continually exposed to new, and usually puzzling, philosophies and lifestyles. A Jewish girl from New York pressed me relentlessly about Carlos Casteneda’s drug odyssey, “The Teachings of Don Juan”, which was all the rage at the time. Another woman tried to entice me with the lure of spiritualism — she kept trying to get me to read the Jane Roberts series of Seth Books (Jane Roberts was a spirit channeler, or medium, who wrote a series of popular books featuring messages from the beyond which I recognize now as seminal New Age mumbo-jumbo). Although I had not read the book (at the time) the series was quite popular in the 1970s. The woman (daughter-in-law of Marion Pettie, Finders’ founder and guru) even named her baby boy Seth in honor of this disembodied spirit.

I was shocked to the depths of my being the first time Roy Mason, guest editor of the World Future Society’s magazine, THE FUTURIST, the renowned writer and architect who, incidentally, was invited to give the commencement speech at Yale (his alma mater) that year, brought home a teenage boy for what, I was to learn, was a regular practice of child sexual predations. And I never did feel comfortable with the radical feminists’ “open door policy” where everyone traded sexual partners, apparently with abandon — certainly with no emotion or other involvement.

(I never partook of these activities at Finders, by the way, although I did have an ill-fated love affair with Marion Pettie’s daughter-in-law, who lived with the Finders but who despised them all nevertheless).

Finders is part of a much larger network of New Agers, a global conspiracy which author Marilyn Ferguson refers to as the “Aquarian Conspiracy.” (For further reading, see her best-selling book by that title). Closely affiliated with the Finders in the Washington area there was THE COMMUNITY, a complex of houses and apartment buildings occupying most of a city blocks at 10th Street and Pershing Drive in Arlington, Virginia. Led by J. Michael Versace, a ‘New Culture’ advocate, the Community ran a number of programs, a hardware store, and a foster care center called something like “The Little Sisters of St. Teresa” (not sure of exact name.) The Community provided foster care for a number of children and adolescents, under contract with the State of Virginia, for which they received $700 per month per child. The children were housed in a number of houses and apartment buildings, and ate vegetarian fare at a communal table. So far as I know, none of the adults at the Community believed in marriage, although I know that heterosexuality was (openly) practiced while homosexuality was (openly) tolerated. The youngsters were immersed in counter-culture New Age doctrines from sun-up to sun-down.

While closely allied with the Finders, the Community was, and is, a separate entity. From all appearances, it looks like the comments of a man who left their company was true: that the Community was nothing more than a scheme to make Mike Versace rich. I know this group fairly well, too — I was involved with Community Computers (a related venture) on and off for several years (in fact, I even sold a computer dealership to Community Computers in 1979). I have been told that Mr. Versace’s business grew to include a whole chain of computer stores …. When I called his office to inquire in 1990, I was told that he had changed his name to Michael Rios. Various publications said his actual name had been Michael Versace Rios, not J. Michael Versace.

The Washington Post article refers to David and George Pettie (Washington area contractors) who were thought to be connected to their father’s Finders operation. At the time I knew the group, Marion Pettie’s sons David and George were not directly involved, although they were part of the loose-knit “network” — they were involved in real estate deals with Roy Mason, they bought supplies from Community Hardware (another venture related to Mike Versace’s Community), etc. But I know the family fairly well (I dated Marion Pettie’s daughter-in-law, David Pettie’s ex-wife) and I never saw anything untoward on anyone’s part. I suspect the press’ suspicions about David and George Pettie are unfounded … although admittedly it does look bad that their business partner Roy Mason is a child-raping queer.

With respect to Satanic activity, I saw nothing I would call “Satanic”, although the cult’s hatred for Christian values was well-known. Finders boasted of the success of their program to lure young people away from the Christian faith through intervention and directed reading. They called this their ROBIN HOOD PROGRAM (I never understood them when they explained the meaning of the name.) They boasted to me that they would park their van in local parks, where they could lure children away from the adults and introduce them to new ideas, providing them with New Age books to read, and sharing their esoteric knowledge with the youngsters. This could be construed as a form of mind-control — it certainly was a form of direct manipulation of the child. The cult’s fascination with psychic powers, occultism, shamanism, and witch-craft were evident even in its early years.

Many of the cult members were unstable. Bear in mind that secret power over others is the goal of those who dabble in witchcraft, occultism, and magic. These practices are premised on the notion of “will” — using one’s will to influence external reality. Well, quite obviously, if one could actually DO this, then there would be no freedom, no free will in the world, for reality would be under the control of the shaman’s mental powers, subject to his (or her) whim. If such power actually existed, and if more than one person were imposing their will on the external world at the same time, then we would have chaos, as it is extremely unlikely that those possessed of such powers would be inclined to cooperate in shaping the world to their individualistic ends. It goes without saying that occultism and witchcraft are evil. Such a desire to bend external reality to one’s own will is, in and of itself, evil. It is also insane. Yet the temptation to dabble in the occult — this desire for inordinate power and control over others, even over reality — is irresistible to so many fools. I first encountered this phenomenon at Finders. I have since learned that this desire for power and control over others is the force behind the secret societies, the cabals, and the conspiracies which continually rob the human race of its future.

My contact with Finders ended in 1977, when I moved out of the apartment I had rented (the flop house days were over and most of the group had migrated to California or elsewhere). But I can see how the homosexuals, the radical lesbian feminists, the occultists and the cabalistic Jews could easily have drifted from a fascination with New Age concepts and modernist philosophies to actual ritual involvement in occultism, witchcraft, magic, and Satanism. As I said, many of those I met at Finders were unstable.

Involvement in witchcraft and the occult is not unusual for these Godless times: an April 28, 1991 article in the Washington Post entitled “The New Theology — Sheology: Mystical Women’s Spiritual Movements….” actually advocates the practice of witchcraft as not merely harmless, but beneficent!

As reported in the Washington Post, a women living with the Finders died under tragic circumstances, although, to the best of my knowledge, no charges were ever brought in the matter. Instead of taking a seriously ill woman to the hospital for medical treatment, the Finders attempted to use shamanism — specifically, a form of “psychic surgery” which they learned from a Filipino witch-doctor — to treat her condition (of which they knew only that she was suffering, in terrible pain). It would have been a routine matter to treat her problem, had she been taken to a real doctor. After suffering through what must have been a hellish ordeal at the hands of her friends, the woman eventually died — from a ruptured appendix.

Dabbling in the occult can have serious consequences, as the Finders learned (even if the Washington Post did miss the point). With friends like these, who needs enemies?

With respect to charges of child sexual abuse, I have no knowledge of such with the exception of Roy Mason’s flagrant homosexual liaisons, frequently with young boys he would pick up cruising by the Iwo Jima memorial — a notorious hangout for perverts and boy prostitutes. But with a network of child molesters and radical lesbian feminists, anything can happen. Let me say that I would not be at all surprised to learn that such activities were commonplace.

However, I was advised that child sexual abuse was practiced by another group — one of the several New Age cults in the Finders network. I was told by Steve Rossof about a counter-culture group house on the Shenandoah River in Virginia (directly across the river from the Trappist monastery, another hotbed of perversion). This group — some of whom I probably met in passing, but cannot name — was called “THE CRAZIES”. Rossof told me that they “all liked to run around naked and have sex with each other and with children.”

These exact words were used by Marion Pettie’s daughter-in-law when I asked her about the group. I have no reason to think that such activities were ever practiced by the Finders themselves. It seemed to me that children were seen by Finders as a distraction, a nuisence, a bother, unwanted responsibility, a hindrance to their frantic, manic lifestyles. The Finders did not see children as sex objects, although other New Age cultists apparently did.

Members of the Finders group apparently disapproved of such practices (Roy Mason apparently being the notable exception); nevertheless there was regular contact between a number of new Age cults and counter-culture groups and, if not acceptance of their views and practices, at least a tolerance of such perversions and a tacit agreement not to notify the authorities or otherwise come to the aid of the children. (Cult deprogrammer Ted Patrick, a Christian, would not have to have been told twice about the Crazies.)

With the level of turn-over in these cults, the lack of social controls, and a total lack of exposure to sound doctrine among the group’s members, it is easy to see how the Finders could have been influenced by the Crazies. Indeed, it is difficult to see how things could have been otherwise. If the allegations of ritual child abuse turn out to be true, it is probable that at least some members of the cult known as the Crazies will figure prominently in the affair.

With respect to the animal parts found at the Finders warehouse, it is more likely that the offal was intended for occult practices or shamanistic healing rather than for ritual child abuse. It could be that the animal parts were to be processed for distribution on the Chinese black market. The Finders were fascinated with oriental healing, homeopathy, herbalism, and medicinal drugs. In fact, Steve Rossof (nicknamed Roscoe), a Jew (who I saw years later marching in the street, pretending to be an Arab agitator) claimed to be a homeopathic “doctor”. It is possible that the woman who died was treated with homeopathic “medicine” before her demons were exorcised (and her spirit commended to a merciful God). It is even possible that the Finders were going to EAT the stuff. I have seen how they cook. Who knows, they might have gotten ahold of some new exotic cookbook. The point I am trying to make is that one should be careful not to jump to conclusions. There may be a reasonable explanation.

It was Rossof, incidentally, who told me where Finders got its name. A number of the group’s members were students of Gurdjeiff — a Jewish occultist who claims, like the Scientologists, that men are really Gods, exiled here from other planets. The Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Scientologists, the Mormons, and students of “esoteric Christianity” (which in fact has absolutely nothing in common with Christianity) claim, like Shirley MacLaine, that men are gods. Gods who are asleep, that is. Because we are asleep, we are unaware of our potential. The adepts — those who have been illuminated to the Godhood within — have a responsibility to find others who are on the verge of breaking through to this higher plane, this higher level of consciousness. To quote Gurdjeiff, (actually, to quote Rossof quoting Gurdjeiff) “We are one another’s alarm clocks.” The mission of the enlightened ones (illumined ones, or ILLUMINATI in Latin) is to awaken the rest of us, to help the rest of us break through the barriers of the psyche to Buddha-like awareness and unity with God (the variations on this theme are mind-numbing). Finders, then, was established as a recruitment arm of the elusive Illuminati, seeking to find other Truth Seekers and to awaken the sleeper within them, to help raise the rest of the human race to their level of enlightenment. Finders purpose, then, is to help man recognize that he is God. It’s all very New Age.

Reportedly, not all of the Finders are CIA. Jim and Betty Farned — the ones who were arrested in Florida (this error is corrected below) on the child abuse charges — are NSA (National Security Agency) according to Diane Smith, who I last spoke with in 1990. Moreover, I have reason to believe that at least one of them was with Intertel, a private intelligence service. And finally, I know for certain that some of them are MOSSAD — Israel’s state security service.

Now there is talk that more and more, the security agencies are using “freelancers” (the “temporary” worker of the intelligence community). Thus it is difficult, if not impossible, to ever ferret out the truth of just who is working for who, and who is responsible for what. It is equally difficult, if not impossible, to hold the security services accountable to the government or to the people for their actions and abuses — or for the waste of our tax dollars.

Despite the fact that the U.S. Constitution — which is the highest law of the land — prohibits the federal government from having secret agencies and secret budgets (and covert actions), and despite a history of abuse, incompetence, and inefficiency on the part of this nation’s security services, the federal courts have held that we, the American people, have no right to know what the clandestine services of “our” government are up to. We, the American people, have no legal right to know what our government — supposedly a government of the people, by the people, and for the people — is doing.

Well, now we know a little of what is going on. Witchcraft and the occult. Sexual perversions. Drugs. Murder. Mind-Control. Assassinations. And now kidnapping and ritual child abuse. Where will it end?




(Part 2)

Charles Sulka


Note that after 20 years, both my memory and my notes are less than completely clear on every point.

It is not clear whether Jim Farned married Betty or Susan (another woman at Finders). “Jim and Betty” Farned might be “Jim and Susan” instead.

I said that at an interview in 1990 Diane Smith told me it was the Farneds who were arrested with the children in Florida. Smith acknowledged that she was using a tooth radio during our conversation, so it is possible she was simply mouthing the words of her controller, possibly CIA, possibly MOSSAD, possibly a demon. In any event, the conversation would have been recorded at the other end, so it must be assumed that it was thought to be important that I be told this … (disinformation?) Police reports of the incident tell a different story and make no mention of the Farneds. I have no idea what is going on. Like most of what I saw at the Finders, things just don’t add up.

There were a number of cults in the Finders’ network. Two group houses had similar names: the CRAZIES and the ZANIES. Recent (2019) discussions with journalists looking into the Finders Cult confirm that it was the Crazies who were alleged to be involved in child sexual predations. A book titled THE GAME CALLER, by a former member of the Finders, ‘Tobe’ Terrell, refers to the Crazies as being part of the Finders inner core group. In previous versions of this article I reported that it was the Zanies who were accused of sexual activity with children. It appears I had their names confused. For this I apologize; I greatly appreciate the diligence of those who are researching the complicated affairs of the CIA’s counterculture program known as The Finders.

As the children involved would now be in their mid-twenties, it would probably be worthwhile to carefully investigate the matter with an eye toward the psychological damage and emotional pain suffered by the victims. As a journalist, I feel this work should be left to properly trained professionals.

Finders is loosely connected to Ivan Illich, a homosexual Jesuit priest, agitator, and New Age luminary who runs a spy school in Cuernavaca, Mexico, (CIDOC) which, incidentally, I myself visited some years ago. Illich seems to be in bad health — his tooth radio has gotten infected, and he is suffering in terrible pain from an immense cancerous growth in his jaw, as can be seen in his recent photographs in Utne Reader, a New Age digest. Illich, like many other New Agers, rails against the AMA, doctors, and modern medicine in general, and advocates instead “alternative medicine” — holistic healing, chiropractic, massage, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture and Chinese healing arts, shamanism, Native American rituals and medicinal herbs, psychic surgery, Christian Science, “positive thinking” and the Science of Mind, and various forms of holistic healing. Accordingly, Illich refuses to seek medical treatment from a real doctor, suffering instead at the hands of countless New Age quacks. It is probable that such a cynical attitude toward modern medicine and advocacy of questionable — sometimes quite dangerous — health practices resulted in the death of a woman at Finders, a probable victim of occult practices and New Age quack medicine.

Marion Pettie, Finders’ founder and guru, is described as the “leader” of the cult. While this is in fact the case, the group went to great pains to conceal this from the outside world (and perhaps even from themselves). To most visitors, Finders probably seemed leader-less, and, indeed, this was the image they liked to portray. Dealing with the group could be exasperating, to say the least. This was standard practice, designed to enable them to maintain the upper hand in business and personal affairs and to deflect scrutiny by outsiders. With no one in authority, the group’s “enemies” (policemen, building inspectors, investigative journalists, the parents of missing children, etc.) were effectively locked out, defeated before they even began. The cult revealed little about itself to others yet was methodological in prying into the private lives and business affairs of those they encountered. This is standard operating procedure for subversive cults. And spies.

I observed the members of the group over a period of years. I never knew them to lie or to take unfair advantage of anyone. They were, in my estimation, scrupulously honest and genuinely concerned about the well-being of everyone they encountered. Helping others was stated to be their mission in life. In reality their interest in others was superficial and their attention span very short. What they were really looking for was a commonality of interests and assessing the opportunities for taking advantage of others (to mutual benefit.) At no time did I see any members of the group use any form of coercion on anyone. I would say they practiced true Christian values (although they were not church-goers), being far less hypocritical and insincere than all too many “religious” persons I have encountered. Or so it appeared.

The group exhibited cultish behavior and was secretive and evasive when dealing with outsiders. They were fairly open in dealing with me — or so I thought. While their answers to direct questions were often cryptic and guarded, I never felt them to be deceitful. And their interest in New Age spirituality was hardly alarming; indeed, I found it refreshing to meet people interested in community values and interpersonal relationships, philosophical debate, and spiritual matters in the midst of the materialistic culture of twentieth-century America.

Admittedly, there was a lot of soul searching going on at Finders. The group was comprised of a number of individuals with very different backgrounds and philosophies. They claimed to be truth seekers, after all; they never claimed to have all the answers. In a world where everyone insists on being right and tries to force his view on others, it was enjoyable to be around people who would take the time to find out what others thought about various issues. The folks at Finders seemed more concerned with arriving at truth and understanding than with forcing their views on others. This was the first time I had ever encountered those who treated people with the respect due other human beings.

Finders claimed to be an open forum, not a church; they did not (openly) proselytize. Yet they were methodological in extracting others’ views on religion, social issues, etc., and treated newcomers differently, according to their level of awareness, understanding, or enlightenment (which are code-words among New Agers describing the degree to which others agree with their doctrines). Depending upon a particular visitor’s worldview and level of spiritual development, the members’ response could be anything from politely escorting them off the premises to accepting them as a brother (or sister) in the group. Some — those who showed promise but were not yet fully enlightened, so to speak — were accorded special attention. This consisted of intervention, personal instruction, tutelage, and directed readings, usually under informal arrangement. At the time I knew the Finders (1970s) they were still in their formative stage, and seemed to have few firmly-held beliefs.

The Finders would appear to have evolved into a full-blown New Age cult. New Agers are loathe to utter the word “church”, always referring to “spirituality” . . . which has a decidedly different — totally individualistic and self-serving — meaning from the Christian usage of the term. The program was replete with “catechisms” (New Age books and writings) and an instructional process, even if it appeared to be unstructured. What was taught and preached — and eventually expected of members — was belief in any of the various spiritual meanderings collectively known as New Age doctrine and a total rejection of traditional values.

Some common (and widely popular) misconceptions underlie the New Age Movement:

1. Metempsychosis — the psychological disorder known as metempsychosis is a belief in the transmigration of souls, or reincarnation. This appears to be the principle belief of the New Age Movement.

2. Pantheism — the belief that “all is God” and that the spirit of God is nothing more than an impersonal force (as depicted in the popular movie STAR WARS), a force which can be manipulated or utilized by adepts to further their own aims, for better or for worse.

3. Humanism — the delusion that man is God or that man has the potential of becoming God, often expressed in pop psychology as the human potential movement, personal transformation, empowerment, etc. Humanism is also the underlying principle of Scientology, the Mormon cult, the FreeMasons, Shirley MacLaine, the Gurdjeiffians, etc.


4. Polytheism — the belief in a multiplicity of gods, as in the Hinduism of India, the Taoism of Japan and the orient, and most pagan religions.


5. Spiritualism — the practice of communicating with the dead or seeking arcane knowledge through mediumship (channeling “familiar spirits”).


6. Gnosticism — the claim of having direct personal understanding of God’s word and will through secret doctrines or arcane practices. Gnostic faith and practice is usually referred to as “esoteric” Christianity by its followers, and is typically based on “secret” writings “suppressed” by the Church (otherwise known as apocryphal or heretical writings).

The line between gnosticism and occultism is often blurred; gnostic sects have often been involved in occultism and Satanism. Certain gnostic sects (known as Manicheans) place strict prohibitions on normal sexual relations between man and wife, teaching that procreation is sinful (a direct refutation of Christianity’s life-affirming doctrines) yet openly permit homosexuality and other sexual perversions. Gnostics frequently claim that moral laws do not apply to them and that they are not bound by the law of God due to their special status as the “elect”, God’s chosen few, the “illumined” ones. Historically, sexual deviants such as homosexuals and pedophiles have used this uniquely gnostic doctrine as justification for their immoral lifestyles.


7. Mysticism — any of a variety of “other-worldly” practices and beliefs which deny objective reality. Because the tenets of the New Age movement are nonsensical and cannot withstand rigorous examination or scientific analysis, because the tenets of the New Age movement are illogical and cannot withstand rational thought, it is necessary to deny reality lest the New Age doctrines fall prey to logic and reason. This absolute disregard for logic, reason, and scientific evidence, and a disdain for the clockwork functioning of an orderly universe falls under the category of mysticism. Mysticism refers to a perspective on events and one’s sense of reality; magic, on the other hand, is an attempt to control or manipulate events through special powers (see occultism).


8. Occultism — attempts to manipulate external reality or gain dominance and control over others through hypnosis, drugs, witchcraft, magic, or arcane knowledge. Occultism includes astrology, fortune-telling, palm-reading, Ouija boards, Tarot cards, crystal balls, clairvoyance, psychometrics, peep stones (such as those reportedly used by the con artist Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon cult). Any attempt to cheat Fate or foretell future events falls under this category. Occultism ranges from the silly prognostications of fortune-tellers to the truly terrifying — animal mutilation, human sacrifice, etc. Hypnotism (trances, spells, mesmerism, formerly known as “animal magnetism”), often considered an occult practice, probably should be categorized as witchcraft.


9. Feminism — the rejection of the natural order of things and denial of the intrinsic physiological, psychological, intellectual, and emotional differences between the sexes, with their respective roles. Central to feminism is a determination to usurp the natural order, subverting traditional values and destroying the social structures which have resulted in “male domination” in human society, in interpersonal relationships, and especially in religion. Feminism rejects the natural order (man as husband and provider, woman as wife and mother, homemaker and primary care-giver) and is thus the single greatest cause of the breakdown of the nuclear family, the building block of society. The breakdown of the family, in turn, is the primary cause of contemporary social collapse. Feminists would destroy traditional (male dominated) religions, substituting “goddess-based” religion (wicca, or witchcraft), for Christian doctrine. Feminists pursue a political agenda of empowering women and homosexuals — the feminists’ allies in the assault on traditional values and Christian doctrines are homosexuals, occultists, and Jews — to seize power and assert control over the economic and political system.

10. Witchcraft — a combination of paganism and occultism, steeped in magic and mystery. Witchcraft is the ultimate expression of the feminist impulse. The lust for power at any price, including one’s very soul, (which is implicit in the bargain) is an ugly thing; witches and witchcraft have been the objects of fear and loathing through all of human history. Witches claim that they are misunderstood and that they have been judged unfairly; but this is not the case. Witches are twisted and distorted human beings who voluntarily engage in occult practices and participate in rites and rituals which have the stated purpose of enlisting otherworldly powers to accomplish the aims of the practitioner.

By attempting to influence external reality or to manipulate, dominate, and control others the practitioner of witchcraft has, by definition, endeavored to enslave others and deny them freedom and free will. Thus witchcraft is always evil, and witches deserve the condemnation all of the human race heaps upon them. Witches deny the existence of God, worshipping the self in the form of the “goddess within”, which they allude to as the feminine aspect of god.

Witches are not necessarily Satanists. In fact, most wiccans deny the existence of this particular evil spirit, yet will invoke spirits and demons in their rituals and practices. The practice of witchcraft almost always involves deviant sexual behavior — lesbianism, ritual child abuse, and worse (such as sex with animals or with cadavers). Witchcraft is of course evil — the most despicable of crimes — for witches, like all occultists, strive to influence external reality according to their will … thus denying free will to every other human being. While witches usually manage only to degrade themselves in their pursuit of power, they have achieved some successes in the use of mind-altering drugs to influence and control others — or at least to terrorize their victims, who are often murdered by poison if they cannot be manipulated and controlled. As of late, there has been a world-wide effort by the witches — who control an international mafia of occultists, feminists, homosexuals, and Jews who direct the security forces, communicating through tooth radios and implant transmitters — to enslave the human race through mind-control drugs. This conspiracy is well advanced in America, and possibly other countries as well.


The New Age movement with its juxtaposed absurdities was gaining momentum; but I was not concerned with such matters. In truth, I would not have recognized sound Christian doctrine myself at that point in my life. Like so many of us, I got caught up in the ’60s.

I realize now, of course, that the philosophical discussions the group encouraged were nothing more than a very subtle (and very effective) process of evaluating others’ belief systems to determine the suitability of potential new recruits for Finders’ subversive activities.

At first, Finders seemed like nothing more than a group of aging hippies looking for a way to make a living. They mostly did odd jobs, living their motto of “one day at a time.” The women cleaned houses and the men worked as security guards. The group rented rooms at low rates to people, like me, who could not otherwise afford to visit or live in our nation’s capitol. They were always open to new ideas and they were always surrounded by interesting people. They seemed fascinated with the prospects free enterprise held for mankind. They were aware of the fact that they had a better chance of making it through cooperation than through individualistic efforts, but, like so many of us, were unsure of just how to structure their ventures and organize their lives. They too struggled with disappointment; they can hardly be faulted for looking at alternatives in a world where the traditional methods had produced so much suffering for so many. They had dreams of making the world a better place to live. They were selfless in dedicating their lives to the cause.

Or at least that is one way to look at it. On the other hand, this was not the same type of selflessness of, say, Mother Teresa with her nuns working long hours under terrible conditions, day in and day out, to ease the suffering of the poor. This was a professional operation, run by subversives, with the stated aim of undermining traditional values. The aim was to tear down the existing structures of society — family, church, government, business — and replace them with a feminist, occultist, humanist New Age new world order. The focus here was not on service to others but on empowerment. The emphasis may have appeared to be on self-actualization and individual “spirituality”. But the real goal seems to have been power and profit, pure and simple. Finders appears to have used contacts in the security services to arrange lucrative contracts to train new recruits … to plant the seeds of subversion in the minds of today’s youth — tomorrow’s leaders.

Before all this came to light, I thought of the people at Finders as eccentric, perhaps a little too radical, perhaps a little too unconventional … maybe even borderline psychotic in one or two cases. But they seemed relatively harmless to me — at least at first.

I would previously have argued that there was no possible way the allegations of ritual child abuse could have been true. And I still doubt very seriously that there is any substance to the charges. I do know, though, that there are hidden dangers in the rainbow, so to speak, and that the New Age and the occult in particular hold dark terrors for initiates. One woman I knew personally is dead, and a number of lives have been turned upside-down. There is no question in my mind that something was going on; a full-scale investigation would appear to be in order.




(Part 3)


Roth, Chris. “Skip Clemens and the Finders”, STEAMSHOVEL PRESS #11, pg: 49-50. (STEAMSHOVEL PRESS: P.O. Box 23715, St. Louis, MO 63121)

Ferguson, Marilyn. THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE 1980s. (c) 1980. Publ. J. P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. ISBN: 0-87477-191-9. (Incl. bibliography.)

Snell, Marilyn. “An Invitation to Ivan Illich”, UTNE READER, Jan/Feb 1995, pg. 93. THE UTNE READER, P.O. Box 1974, Marion, Ohio 43305. ISSN: 8750-0256.

Weinraub, Judith. “The New Theology–Sheology: Mystical Women’s Spiritual Movements, Gaining Momentum . . . and Adherents”. THE WASHINGTON POST, April 28, 1991.




(Part 4)


Groothuis, Douglas R. THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT. (c) 1986. Publ. by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, 60515. ISBN: 0-87784-079-2. Concise discussion of the New Age Movement.

InterVarsity Press is the book publishing division of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship: IVCF, 6400 Schroeder Rd., Madison, WI 53707-7895.

Groothuis, Douglas R. UNMASKING THE NEW AGE. (c) 1986. Publ. by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. Explores themes discussed in the above booklet in much more detail by showing New Age involvement in medicine, psychology, science, politics, and spirituality. Gives biblical references.

Ferguson, Marilyn. THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE 1980s. (c) 1980. Publ. J. P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles, Calif. ISBN: 0-87477-191-9. (Incl. bibliography.)

North, Gary. UNHOLY SPIRITS: OCCULTISM AND NEW AGE HUMANISM. (c) 1986. Publ. by Dominion Press, Tyler, TX. A thorough cultural and theological analysis of the New Age.

Reisser, Paul C., Reisser, Teri K. and Weldon, John. THE HOLISTIC HEALERS. (c) 1983. Publ. by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL., 60515. Excellent treatment of what is acceptable and what is suspect in holistic health, an influential part of the New Age Movement.

Sire, James. THE UNIVERSE NEXT DOOR. (c) 1976. Publ. by InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL., 60515. The chapters on Eastern pantheistic monism and the New Consciousness explain and critique the New Age world view.

SPIRITUAL COUNTERFEITS PROJECT provides excellent journals, newsletters, and essays on cults, the occult, and the New Age movement. Their address is P.O. Box 4308, Berkeley, CA 94704.


THE GAME CALLER by Robert W. (Toby) Terrell Note that this eminently readable short book by Toby Terrell, the right-hand man to Finders cult leaeder Marion Pettie, is viewed by some to be highly stylized disinformation, perhaps ‘damage control’ by the intelligence agencies. For example, in his book (and in a video interview with Derrick Broze, see below) Terrell denies that Finders was a CIA front or in any way connected with the intelligence services.

THE FINDERS: AN INVESTIGATION #2 Derrick Broze report on Finders contains an interview with Robert W. (Toby) Terrell in which Terrell insists that Marion Pettie had severed all ties with the intelligence agencies, something which can only be regarded as totally false, even bordering on the absurd, in light of a number of recent reports on the group by investigative journalists.
