The Sinister Skull & Bones Society — A Video by Jake Morphonios

Commentary by Charles Sulka



This is a good introduction to the nefarious secret society known as Skull & Bones. Jake Morphonios (Blackstone Intelligence) reveals the subtle influence and secret power this evil cabal has exerted over American society for close to two centuries, with no sign that this group’s Satanic influence will diminish (in truth, Satanic influence is on the rise everywhere in America.) Morphonios shows that the founder of this secret society had close connections to the British — and later American — drug cartels linked to the British East India Company, the British monarchy, and the Rothchilds financial network. This might be considered the western world’s first international drug cartel, the group responsible for the opium trade that wreaked havoc in many parts of the world, particularly China.

It is worth noting, in passing, that political gadfly Lyndon LaRouche was absolutely right all along. The FreeMasons and the British crown really were behind the scourge of addictive drugs. At least before the Jews took over the pharmaceutical industry.

Possibly because of the sensitive nature of the subject, Morphonios does not mention that in the two campaigns of the so-called ‘Opium Wars’ (1839-1842, and 1856-1860) the U.S. Marines fought valiantly — on the side of the drug traffickers, protecting the criminals from arrest and prosecution by the authorities. The forces of evil (U.S. and British military forces) eventually defeated the Chinese government forces which were trying desperately to rid their nation of the scourge of opium addiction brought by the British and American drug lords. The criminal cartel included the founders of the Luciferian secret lodge, Order 322 (Skull & Bones, or the Brotherhood of Death.) It goes without saying that the Brotherhood of Death has always been closely linked with the Synagogue of Satan, the FreeMasons, and the international financial interests … dark forces which have long controlled the American government, operating behind the scenes, in secret, out of the public view.

“In God We Trust” is inscribed on America’s currency, but this begs the question, which god? It is not the God of creation that is depicted in the symbols and emblems emblazoned on this nation’s currency, engraved on our public buildings, and embossed on the great seal of the United States of America. America’s god is not the first person of the Holy Trinity. The god of the secret societies leading America to destruction is the god of evil, evoked in the symbolic language and occult symbols of the Luciferians. One cannot deny the unsettling imagery of the all-seeing eye (the eye of Horus) at the top of the Great Pyramid. Sinister messages and images with hidden meanings adorn the lodges and lairs of secret societies such as Skull & Bones — the Brotherhood of Death.

Washington D.C., the nation’s capitol, proudly features the world’s tallest ‘sacred pillar’ (as God scornfully referred to the obelisks of the ancient Egyptian religion.) This Masonic symbol is known as the Washington Monument. (And yes, there is a smaller version of the obscene obelisk in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican.) What will be next, burnt offerings? Sacrificing our children to Moloch?

China was forced to surrender territory, including Hong Kong, to the forces of evil (the combined forces of the British and the Americans) when negotiating the surrender which brought an end to the relentless assault by superior forces determined to destroy Chinese society through rudimentary chemical weapons — addictive drugs. It is a sad reflection on the West that a cabal of Jewish financiers, the British royal family, American business and political leaders, Luciferian conspirators and their secret brotherhoods, and international trading companies conducted this evil conspiracy with the full support and protection of the British and American governments.

Regrettably, the YouTube video does not provide a transcript, and the video is not yet posted to Morphonios’ web site (Blackstone Intelligence.) (As of 05-10-2021.)

(CHS 05-18-2021 2055 -0500 / 05-19-2021 2009 -0500)

URL of Youtube Video: