China Buying Up Foreign Power Grids (NTD News)

China Buying Up Foreign Power Grids (NTD News)

Video by NTD News

Commentary by Charles H. Sulka

Youtube video URL:

This video exposes Communist China’s plan to conquer the world through capitalism — China’s version of state capitalism, that is. China is buying up all of the world’s electric power grids using front companies controlled by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) in the same way that China is buying up all of the world’s food producers, farms, houses, commercial real estate, factories, natural resources, and intellectual property rights.

How is China achieving this economic coup, where state capitalism emerges victorious over corporate capitalism? Simple — using the money the communist capitalists have made from the betrayal on the part of the free world’s business and political leaders — traitors who have destroyed this nation’s industrial base along with virtually all of the productive economy. This maneuver will be financed with junk bonds and worthless currency foisted off on an unsuspecting public, the taxpayers, who will suffer a double whammy, so to speak, first at the hands of our own ruling class, neocons and Republicrats, then at the hands of the new ruling elites, the minions of the CCP/USA.

The communists will achieve world domination without firing a shot. As Vladimir Lenin said, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Only it’s not just the rope, but the farms, the houses, the factories, and now the electric grid. (The Japanese already bought Mickey Mouse, Cinderella, and Pocahontas. Plus all the golf courses.) And all the while, the neocons and internationalists cheered them on as America was brought to its knees, the people helpless to defend themselves against the real enemies of this nation — the globalists, free traders, and international financiers.

Think of China’s program as globalism on steroids. This is the ultimate aim of globalism: one-world communist government administered by multi-national corporations — global fascism or ‘neo-feudalism.’ To hell with freedom and democracy … and to hell with God, most of all. The one thing that communists desire most is to eradicate religion and drive a wedge between man and God. And they are doing a damn good job, especially right here in America, the land of the free and home of the brave.

Who would have thought that such an assemblage of morons as we have in Washington could have done such an effective job of bankrupting the richest nation on earth and undermining democracy, personal freedom, and free enterprise … while murdering millions of innocent people all over the world … and all in such a short time?

As NTD News points out, the national security implications of China’s methodical encroachment into the free world’s economy are staggering. A country that allows foreigners to control its economy, its political system, its food production, and its energy is not sovereign, and is anything but free. In fact it never can be either. It is crucially important that globalization (and especially the seemingly unstoppable Chinese juggernaut) be stopped.

The fact is, America is at war — a war we are losing badly. Our political leaders haven’t a clue and our business leaders couldn’t care less. In fact they are in on the scheme, profiting handsomely from stripping the nation of its assets and selling them to the their cronies at bargain-basement prices. Instead of saving the nation from subversion and foreign take-over, these quislings (the communist sympathizers in Congress and the CCP toadies in the White House) bend over backwards to do the bidding of their globalist masters while standing in line for the next hand-out from the Chinese Communist Party. … When they aren’t flying by private jet to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island on ‘official business’, that is.

Measures preventing foreigners (especially communists!) from acquiring assets in other countries must be the highest national security priority of every democratic nation. So-called ‘free trade’, especially in financial affairs and matters related to governance, must be seen for what it really is — a betrayal not only of the nation and its people, but of freedom and democracy itself.

(CHS 06-05-2021 1820 -0500 / 06-08-2021 1916 -0500)