
Commentary by Charles Sulka


Here we examine the words and works of two of the nation’s leading experts on the threat from electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons. An EMP attack represents one of the most effective uses of nuclear weapons by terrorists, with the potential of taking the greatest toll of human life and causing the greatest damage to society, at least in America. In this essay, the commentator’s philosophical musings and political diatribe have been kept to a minimum.

A good place to start might be the TruNews video of September 13, 2019: “Dr. Peter Pry: Mike Pompeo is a Tool of the Deep State” (09-13-2019) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZwLwZtv_mc

This introduction to Pry can be followed by a detailed — but not overly technical — assessment of the threat by Pry and his associate, William Radasky. See: “Rebuttal to ‘The EMP threat: fact, fiction, and response'” by Dr. William Radasky and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry [ http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1656/1 ].

Radasky and Pry have provided us with profuse information on the subject. This two-part examination of the issue is detailed, but is by no means exhaustive.


Pry is one of the leading experts on the phenomenon of electromagnetic pulse (EMP), one of the pre-eminent threats in the world today. EMP is one of the greatest threats from nuclear terrorism, or limited nuclear war.

For maximum effectiveness, EMP munitions would need to be exploded at relatively high altitudes. As the authors point out in this article, it would be far easier for terrorists to detonate a nuclear weapon in an American city than it would be for them to launch a space-based nuclear terrorist attack. The death toll and social disruption would be far greater from a high-altitude EMP attack than a nuclear explosion at ground level.

America is particularly susceptible to the danger of EMP because of the nation’s electrical grid’s vulnerability to EMP — and doubtful survivability. In addition, the reliance on micro-chip technology in every aspect of American society, coupled with the breakdown of community (social) vales in the last half century (basically, since the rise of the neocons) will result in a total collapse of the social order with the citizenry at each other’s throats in no time at all. In the event of an EMP attack there would be massive loss of life and widespread disarray. Police and emergency services would be overwhelmed, able to do little to help.

This nation is particularly susceptible to such threats because of a total lack of preparedness for emergencies. This lack of concern for the problems to be encountered from natural disasters — not to mention war or terrorist operations — reflects Western capitalism’s fundamental disregard for human life. In the eyes of America’s ruling elites, the citizenry isn’t worth saving. The ruling elites would probably find it more distressing that an electromagnetic pulse attack destroyed the micro-chip brains of the nation’s robots and roombas.

Pry is a former CIA intelligence analyst who has dedicated his life to evaluating this threat. Pry’s current theory is that China, possibly with the cooperation of Russia, at least in previous years, has advanced North Korea’s development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile technology — American technology which was stolen by the Israelis (with the support of American Jewry) and given to the nation’s enemies, first to Russia, and then to the communist Chinese. The possibility exists that the North Koreans have developed and tested nuclear weapons specifically designed for use as EMP weapons. In Pry’s view, China’s strategy would be to use North Korea as a weapon (by proxy) against the United States in a first-strike scenario — a scenario in which America would be too confused and disorganized to respond.

Pry makes the point that it is possible that North Korea already has EMP-enhanced nuclear weapons in orbiting satellites. This is certainly a possibility, although his threat is probably overblown, and can probably be countered by diplomatic means. Should diplomacy fail, technical means will exist soon enough to neutralize this threat (blast the two or three North Korean satellites out of orbit with particle beam weapons or anti-satellite missiles.)

In the meanwhile, there are measures that can be taken to guard against the danger. For example, the nation’s new Space Force could utilize a manned or unmanned space shuttle equipped with a Geiger counter to see if there really are atomic bombs hidden inside the North Korean satellites. Other nations’ orbiting satellites could be checked too, just to be on the safe side.

Even without functioning space shuttles, America can proceed without delay to examine the growing number of satellites in orbit. Russia — and soon India and China — has the capability of sending teams into space using space shuttles similar to the original American design (remarkably similar, in fact.) It really is too bad that NASA has been gutted and the space shuttle program dismantled so that America’s space technology — which was taxpayer-funded and served as a critical component in America’s national defense — could be turned over to private businesses and ‘visionaries’ wasting time and money on cockamamie schemes to colonize Mars. These resources could be used for more important things, such as education, social services, or rebuilding the nation’s crumbling infrastructure (Your tax dollars at work. Or not….) But this is a separate issue with political implications, beyond the scope of this discussion.

[Note: this situation is a reminder of the ever-present danger from state secrecy. When nations do not know what other nations are up to, they must assume the worst, as it would be irresponsible to do otherwise. As whistle-blower (and national hero in most Americans’ eyes) Edward Snowden points out in his recently released personal memoir, good intelligence prevents wars. Bad intelligence, on the other hand, leads to mistrust and fear … and preparations for war to safeguard the nation.]

The science underlying the EMP threat is straightforward, widely known, and readily accessible, even if nuclear technology is a bit less accessible (up to now, anyway.) EMP might be thought of as being similar to the ‘neutron bomb’ which kills great numbers of people, leaving the infrastructure undamaged. EMP would be the ideal weapon for invaders who intend to occupy the conquered territory, because there would be no blast damage or residual radiation as there would be with other nuclear strikes. China has 1.3 BILLION people … something to think about.

There are countless references to Pry on the internet. Pry must be regarded as the go-to guy (point man) on this topic.

Incidentally, while he himself is a former CIA officer, the man is a pro-democracy advocate, even though that is inconsistent with the CIA’s institutional ethos. If there is one thing the CIA, and secret ruling elites in general, do not believe in or promote, that would be democracy. In the video interview (see above) Pry makes it clear that he is not a Deep State game player. Importantly, he is not a flake. Except … he does parrot the Republicans’ dismissal of the threat from anthropogenic climate change, which is surprising, considering that Pry is a scientist and engineer. Pry’s reason for questioning the motives and reasoning of virtually all of the world’s scientists is not clear. Other than this, he must be regarded as a political realist, not the alarmist and sensationalist his critics accuse him of being. Pry can be refreshingly forthright in his opinions on political actors.

In the related article, “Rebuttal to ‘The EMP threat: fact, fiction, and response'” by Dr. William Radasky and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, note how effectively the authors make use of the measured response and professional manner in defending a (rather shabby) criticism of their work. Would that more writers might be so clear in their logic and exacting with their words. [ http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1656/1 ]

(File updated 09-26-2019 1811 -0500 / 10-02-2019 1232 -0500)