(Ayn Rand Institute) (Jan 12, 2024)

Commentary by Charles Sulka



In this short video Ayn Rand explains why a constitutional republic is a better form of government than pure democracy. This is an over-simplification of the issue.

Rand does not suggest this, but a democracy could operate within the constraints of written precepts governing individual rights — a constitution, in other words. Her simplistic comparison of the two systems might actually be misleading, confusing.

The real problem, as I see it, is that a pure democracy has no enforcement mechanism, no spokesmen, no leaders, no arbiter, no hierarchy. Such a leaderless society would be unstable and transient; anarchy would quickly ensue.

Moreover, there would be no leadership principle to inspire the people (can’t have leadership without leaders.) I think it goes without saying that any social structure larger than the family will be — must be — representative. We need leaders. (Just not the sort of ‘leaders’ America’s current political system produces.)

To be successful, a society must incorporate what Dr. Jordan Peterson calls the Hierarchy of Competence. Societies rely on specialization, in other words. The more advanced a society, the more dependent upon specialization it will be.


Side note….

This, by the way, is where the misdirection of the Reaganites led twentieth century America down the path to destruction (self-destruction, to be precise, as America is not being destroyed by external enemies, but rather it is being undermined from within, subverted by our leaders adopting stupid ideas suggested to them by truly evil advisors.)

The Reaganites saw government as the greatest impediment to their ability to live as parasites, to live high without working, to enrich themselves at the public coffers and exploit their fellow man. To achieve their dreams they promoted powerful anti-government sentiment, ‘de-regulation’, privatization, and individualism (as does Ayn Rand). Instead of basing their vision of governance on sound principles such as Peterson’s Hierarchy of Competence espoused by true conservatives, the Reaganites boasted that as NEO-conservatives they had a better way.

They rejected sound principles. The ‘better way’ of the neoconservatives meant appointing incompetent ideologues to all high government positions and eliminating all dissenting voices through purges and political game-playing, something at which they excelled. Being psychopathic by nature, and never having had to actually work for a living, Republicans have had ample opportunity to develop some really cut-throat political skills. The honest working man didn’t have a prayer when the Reaganites launched their assault.

Class warfare ensued. It was a bloodbath. America’s middle class was decimated and the working schmucks were put in their place — the gutter.

It could be said that today these victims of the neocons’ victory over the honest working men and women are living the American Dream. Most are dreaming of a roof over their head, desperately needed medical care, and a square meal.

But wait, it gets better. Republicans are promising that if they get control of government in the next election, we will see more tax cuts for the rich, along with punishing ‘austerity.’ Let’s face facts: the neocons will not stop until America has been burnt to the ground.

The Reaganites have dealt the final blow to this once-great nation. Under the deceptive concept of running government like a business, they instead ran the government into the ground, totally eliminating integrity, transparency, and accountability, the pillars of sound government. They went on to rob the public treasury, privatize the commons, lavish tax breaks and largesse on the rich, steal the American workers’ life savings through financial manipulation … and literally snarf up everything in sight, like pigs at the trough.

It’s time we rethink the neocons’ New World Order. As the American empire crumbles all around us, never forget how we got into this mess. It’s pretty clear that we the people have been snookered.

It’s been said that there is no man more dangerous than a politician who believes his own lies. I’m not suggesting that Reagan was a hypocrite. If anything, the man was a true believer.

End side note


Ayn Rand’s over-simplification of the principles of democracy vs a constitutional republic serves little purpose … other than to make us think about how we want to structure the society we live in. For it is our place, and our duty, to build social structures that work. Rand’s simple-minded comments should not be the last word on the subject. To the contrary, the womans’ remarks should be a starting point from which we examine the issues and undertake the rebuilding of the American nation.

One thing is certain. Something needs to be done. There can be no solution to America’s problems from within the current political system.

(CHS 09-01-2024 1800 -0500)

Democracy vs. a Constitutional Republic: Ayn Rand’s Case

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