Are the Jewish people living in Palestine today the real Jews?

Video by Hank Hanegraaff (the Bible Answer Man)

Comments by Charles Sulka

UPDT: 01-16-2025 1030 -0500



In this video presentation, Hank Hanegraaff (The Bible Answer Man) answers one of the most important questions of our time — indeed, one of the most important questions of all time: Are the Jewish people living in Palestine today the real Jews?

Hanegraaff sidesteps the less important questions while redirecting the enquirer’s focus to the real question — does it matter?

There is ample evidence that the Ashkenazi Jews in Palestine today, descendants of eastern European Jewry, are not of the same genetic stock as the original Palestinians of Hebrew stock. In fact, it would be true to say that the imposter Jews, who are not of Semitic ancestry, are actually the world’s biggest anti-Semites, as they are slaughtering the true Semitic peoples, the Palestinians, and stealing their land. In this sense, the prophesy in the Book of Revelation is being fulfilled as we watch … and worse, gleefully participate in the genocide, a blur on the pages of the Book of Life which will endure to America’s everlasting shame.

You can quote me on that.

After acknowledging the prophesy in the Book of Revelation, Hanegraaff considers another interpretation of events. This might be thought of as an explication of the traditional Christian view of Biblical history. Have the Hebraic Jews been disowned by God after proving themselves to be unworthy, and continuing in their obstinacy to reject God’s offer of salvation? When events are examined from this perspective, it is clear that the Old Testament prophecies have been fulfilled, too.

But as Hanegraaff makes clear, this should not be the focus of our attention. What is more important is the recognition that heredity, tribal affiliation, race and ethnic origin are irrelevant, because in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, rich or poor, male or female. All who accept Jesus Christ as their savior — their intercessor with God almighty — and who live as Jesus taught us, are invited to share in everlasting life. In this way the central promise of both the Old and the New Testaments is fulfilled.

It’s really that simple. Why make things more complicated than they are?

(CHS 01-16-2025 1428 -0500)


Are the Jewish people living in Palestine today the real Jews?
Bible Answer Man
Jan 16, 2025

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