False Prophets – Darby – Scofield – Larkin – Antichrist Politics (Law of Liberty) (A. Fannin)

Video by A. Fannin

Commentary by Charles Sulka



This preacher, Pastor Adam Fannin of Law of Liberty Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, is a spell-binding Christian teacher. “Spell-breaking” would probably be a better description, for he is unmerciful and unrelenting in his denunciation of the false teachings that comprise what is known as the New Age Movement in America. This man gives the occult, witchcraft, mysticism and Satanism short shrift.

Fannin’s renunciation of the false prophets of dispensationalism (Darby, Scofield, and Larkin) who have led so many people astray with their lies exposes Zionism for what it really is — the master plan of Satan, the Father of Lies, whereby the human race is to be enslaved by the Jews. Fannin’s scholarship on the subject is erudite and his logic is sound. It is clear that he is perceptive and knowledgeable, especially on the issue of dispensationalism. He is obviously being guided by the Holy Spirit in this matter. That being said….

Fannin dismisses the Apostolic church, speaking scornfully of the early Christians led by “The Fathers Of The Church.” He has absolutely no use for the early Church, denying the central role of holy tradition as the basis for the faith. Fannin sees the Bible (only certain versions) as the exclusive source of spiritual knowledge. Apparently he is unaware of where the Bible comes from. (The Bible was compiled by the leaders of the Catholic Church in 372 a.d.)

Fannin makes the unsupportable — absurd, actually, something no knowledgeable scholar of the Bible can assert — claim that his denomination predates the Catholic and Orthodox churches. This assertion goes along with the man’s rabid hatred of the early Church which he makes no effort to conceal.

The Catholic and Orthodox Churches were more or less the same — loosely affiliated, independent, regional churches sharing some (but not all) religious doctrines which were elaborated over time. After four hundred years, the Bible was compiled by the Bishops of the Church to codify the central doctrines of the faith in an effort to put an end to the never-ending squabbling among the churches. Not all Bibles were the same then, and not all Bibles are the same today … and only a fraction of the ‘scriptures’ that were in circulation in the early Church were determined to be inspired writings worthy of inclusion in the canon of the Bible.

To the man’s credit, Fannin has a good understanding of the false teachings popular in American Protestantism today. He shreds the false doctrines of so-called Christian Zionism and the ethno-centric political movement it has engendered. However, his position is undermined by his hatred for the early Church.

Being misguided and confused, Fannin tries to place the blame for the errors of dispensationalism on the traditional teachings of Catholicism, rather than on Protestantism. Here his logic is far from sound. He seems to sense this, and fumbles around with an unsupportable proposition. He side-steps this fundamental error in his thinking by claiming that his church (Law of Liberty Baptist Church) is not Protestant. It is a remnant church.

Much like the Mormons, Moonies, and Seventh-Day-Adventist cults do, Fannin claims that his church is the original Christian faith which predates the church of the Apostles. Anyone with even a smattering of knowledge of church history will recognize instantly the absurdity of this proposition.

There is an obelisk (what the Lord scathingly refers to as a ‘sacred pillar’ in the Bible) featured prominently in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican (headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church.) This obelisk, an occult symbol associated with the mystery religions, is similar to those found throughout the Middle East and especially Egypt dating back to antiquity. This same occult symbol which is so offensive to God is even proudly displayed in Washington D.C., the nation’s capitol. Instead of traditional Christian religion, America has embraced witchcraft, Satanism and Talmudic secular humanism, sexual perversion, and the occult. America, once a Christian nation, has become the Great Satan, the modern day Babylon, the Kingdom of the Cults.

There is no question that the Roman Catholic Church has been corrupted, undermined from within. The Catholic Church has become a hotbed of sexual perversion, pedophilia, and evil in the world today. The links to the occult practices of the ancient mystery religions is undeniable. The influence of pagan religions can be seen in the many and diverse expressions of the Christian faith. But the real cause of the confused state of Christianity in the world today is the harmful influence of modernism.

All Christian religious denominations, even Baptists, have a common beginning — the church of the Apostles, which was guided by the Fathers of the Church.

Listen closely to Pastor Fannin’s lecture on dispensationalism. The man knows what he is talking about, at least with regard to dispensationalism, all this Rapture nonsense, Christian Zionism, the New Age, the occult, and the prosperity gospel preached in America’s corporate church. The false prophets of the airwaves — America’s TV preachers, sham faith healers, and religious hucksters — will only lead you astray with their dispensationalist lies and empty promises of salvation.

Be wary of the erroneous doctrines of false teachers. Be wary of the lies of the false prophets promising salvation by faith alone, without personal sacrifice — without works, in other words. Most of all, be wary of cheap grace. Cheap grace comes at a very high cost. The loss of one’s soul is a mistake one will regret for all eternity.

(CHS 05-27-2024 1758 -0500)


False Prophets – Darby, Scofield, & Larkin – Antichrist Politics
Law of Liberty
Pastor A. Fannin

Youtube Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox_4dxtd9Hg

UPDT: 05-27-2024 1758 -0500