Commentary by Charles Sulka



Black Pigeon Speaks, a controversial podcaster with a Youtube Channel — reinstated, after previously being censored by the loon left for telling the truth, thereby posing a threat to the New World Order) — provides a list of fifteen reforms that he believes would resurrect the dying American culture. This list is a good place to start in outlining a bold political program to (to use a trite phrase) make America great again.

I agree with every one of these fifteen points, except for the last one — a call for the expansion of America’s nuclear energy program along with increased drilling for fossil fuels. While I think it a good idea for the nation to be energy independent, the emphasis should be on renewable energy programs and conservation (to reduce energy consumption generally), not policies which will inhibit progress and hinder change. Thorium reactors might be a good compromise — a way to gradually eliminate the uranium-based nuclear power generation with the insoluble problem of dealing with nuclear waste.

Electric vehicles are the way of the future … but the transition will be rough going, primarily because of the inadequacies of the nation’s electrical grid (electric vehicles need to be recharged.) Upgrading the power grid is one of the highest priorities America faces. Unfortunately, it is most unlikely that upgrading America’s infrastructure, including the railroads, the electrical grid, and broadband communications, can ever be achieved as long as public utilities remain under the control of privateers. Thus the privatization rampage of Reagan and the neocons has come back to bite us in the ass.

And things are going to get a lot worse, as it will probably prove to be near impossible to right the wrongs of Reaganomics.

A central theme of Republican politics is to fleece the public and strip the commonwealth of potential profit centers such as public utilities, natural resources, and infrastructure (communications, highways, waterways, ports, airports, even government buildings (!)) — to facilitate the transfer of the nation’s collective wealth to the financial elites.

This redistribution of wealth is a core principle of Reaganomics, which has, aptly, been called ‘reverse Robin Hood economics’ — robbing the poor to give to the rich. Such policies have resulted in the highest disparity of income and the most unjust distribution of wealth in the nation’s history. And the economy has been decimated in the process; there is literally nothing left of the nation’s productive economy (the ‘real’ economy.)

Republican economic policies are destroying the nation. But do the ruling elites care? The rich are getting richer by the minute, and laughing all the way to the bank, while the American people suffer.

I do not know if the narrator, Mr. Pigeon, is of a religious bent. But in my heart I sincerely believe that the good Lord has inspired Mr. Pigeon on this occasion. America desperately needs a program of political reform if we are to right the wrongs of Reaganomics. This short list is a good place to start.

But this short list is by no means all that needs to be done. The American economy will need to be rebuilt from the ground up. A new political system will need to be established to restore sound governance based on integrity, transparency, and accountability. America could become a model of a socialized democracy maximizing opportunity for all — a constitutional republic serving as a shining example to the world.

Best of all, all this can be done without this nation’s misguided, murderous foreign policy, destroying entire nations and peoples, slaughtering innocents around the world to ‘liberate’ them in the name of democracy. Truth be told, this is just a cover story — a lie that fools no one but naive Americans. The real purpose of America’s murderous foreign policy is neo-colonialism — exploitation, in other words. The problem is, the old ways aren’t effective in today’s multi-polar world.

I believe we can make America great, but it will be a new America, a different America, and something long overdue, a Christian nation. For it is only through embracing Scriptural values that America can be saved. I do not think it inappropriate that we think of this program of political renewal as a resurrection.’

We need to get started. There is a lot of work to do. Watch this video thoughtfully, and take notes.

(CHS) 09-01-2024 1950 -0500


Black Pigeon Speaks


(August 31, 2024)

Youtube Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDTLbtV3AVs

UPDT: 09-01-2024 1950 -0500